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[英]One-to-one correspondence list of dictionaries based on two nested list

I have two nested lists:我有两个嵌套列表:

a = [[0, 1],[1, 0],[2, 0]]
b = [[2, 1],[1, 3],[8, 1]]

I want to have a list of dictionaries such that each inner element of list a (as key) corresponds to it's inner element of list b (as value).我想要一个字典列表,使得列表a每个内部元素(作为键)对应于它的列表b的内部元素(作为值)。

Here's my desired output: [{0:2,1:1},{1:1,0:3},{2:8,0:1}]这是我想要的 output: [{0:2,1:1},{1:1,0:3},{2:8,0:1}]

I've tried:我试过了:

  ls = []
  for i in a:
    for j in b:
        ls.append({k:v for k,v in zip(i, j)})

But it gives me all the possible combinations which I don't want.但它给了我所有我不想要的可能组合。 Any help is appreciated.任何帮助表示赞赏。

You use a list comprehension and zip .您使用列表理解和zip

>>> a = [[0, 1],[1, 0],[2, 0]]
>>> b = [[2, 1],[1, 3],[8, 1]]
>>> [dict(zip(i, j)) for i, j in zip(a, b)]
[{0: 2, 1: 1}, {1: 1, 0: 3}, {2: 8, 0: 1}]

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