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运行 asp.net 核心 mvc 应用程序时浏览器显示空白屏幕

[英]browser shows a blank screen when an asp.net core mvc application is run

I have created an asp.net core mvc web application in visual studio 2019 professional edition.我在 Visual Studio 2019 专业版中创建了一个 asp.net 核心 mvc web 应用程序。 After a successful build when I run the application, I am getting a blank screen in the browser.在我运行应用程序成功构建后,我在浏览器中看到一个空白屏幕。 It is not showing the contents of the index page.它没有显示索引页面的内容。

I checked the iis by typing inetmgr in the command window.我通过在命令 window 中键入 inetmgr 来检查 iis。 It is opening up the iis Window.它正在打开 iis Window。 I also cross-checked in the browser window by typing http://localhost/.我还在浏览器 window 中通过键入 http://localhost/ 进行了交叉检查。 I am able to get the welcome page in IIS.我可以在 IIS 中获得欢迎页面。

I don't know what's the issue here.我不知道这里有什么问题。 Any valuable help is appreciated.任何有价值的帮助表示赞赏。

Please find the screenshot below.请在下面找到屏幕截图。 在此处输入图像描述

When I faced a similar issue, it was due to the Web.config file, when the run httpRuntime was set to an incorrect target framework.当我遇到类似的问题时,这是由于 Web.config 文件,当运行httpRuntime设置为不正确的目标框架时。 Maybe remove the targetFramework parameter and see if the auto resolver resolves it.也许删除targetFramework参数并查看自动解析器是否解析它。

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