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Dart / Flutter 测试肘,比较预期和实际的问题

[英]Dart / Flutter test cubit, problem with comparing expected and actual

I'm working on an app using a WeatherAPI.我正在使用 WeatherAPI 开发一个应用程序。 I currently fail to implement some working tests.我目前无法实施一些工作测试。 I tried to follow ResoCoders Guide ( https://resocoder.com/2019/11/29/bloc-test-tutorial-easier-way-to-test-blocs-in-dart-flutter/ ) and actually implemented all states, blocs (I used Cubit instead), classes, functions, ... almost the same.我尝试遵循 ResoCoders 指南( https://resocoder.com/2019/11/29/bloc-test-tutorial-easier-way-to-test-blocs-in-dart-flutter/ )并实际实现了所有状态, blocs(我用 Cubit 代替)、类、函数……几乎相同。

This is my test's code:这是我的测试代码:

blocTest<WeatherCubit, WeatherBaseState>(
      'Cubit emits WeatherLoaded',
      build: () {
        return WeatherCubit(weatherRepository: mockWeatherRepository);
      act: (WeatherCubit cubit) => cubit.getWeather(),
      expect: () => [
            temperature: temperature,
            lat: lat,
            lon: lon)

And that's my error massage from the debug console:这就是我从调试控制台得到的错误消息:

Expected: [Instance of 'WeatherLoaded']
  Actual: [Instance of 'WeatherLoaded']
   Which: at location [0] is <Instance of 'WeatherLoaded'> instead of <Instance of 'WeatherLoaded'>

WARNING: Please ensure state instances extend Equatable, override == and hashCode, or implement Comparable.
Alternatively, consider using Matchers in the expect of the blocTest rather than concrete state instances.

I tried to use a Matcher but did not quite get how to use it.我尝试使用 Matcher,但不太了解如何使用它。

In case the problem lies here, my implementation of the WeatherCubit:如果问题出在这里,我的 WeatherCubit 实现:

class WeatherCubit extends Cubit<WeatherBaseState> {
  final IWeatherRepository weatherRepository; //IWeatherRepository is interface

  WeatherCubit({required this.weatherRepository})
      : super(LoadingWeather()); // I use LoadingWeather as initial state

  Future<void> getWeather() async {
    final Position location = await weatherRepository.determinePosition();
    final WeatherData data = await weatherRepository.getWeather(
        lat: location.latitude, 
        lon: location.longitude); 
    final WeatherLoaded weatherLoaded = WeatherLoaded(
        temperature: data.temperature,
        lat: data.lat, 
        lon: data.lon); 

You can use the isA matcher if you are trying to test the type.如果您尝试测试类型,则可以使用isA匹配器。

expect: () => [isA<WeatherLoaded>()];

If you are trying to compare the values of the returned object you need to either use the Equatable package, or manually override the hashCode and == operator in your Cubit.如果您尝试比较返回的 object 的值,您需要使用Equatable package,或手动覆盖 Cubit 中的 hashCode 和 == 运算符。

As mentioned above you can use the isA, matcher.如上所述,您可以使用 isA,匹配器。 To check the properties, try using the having method available in this matcher.要检查属性,请尝试使用此匹配器中可用方法。

 expect: () => [isA<WeatherLoaded>()..having((p0) => p0.temprature, "description", "30")];

Here "30" is the expected value.这里“30”是期望值。

Like this, you can check all the properties.像这样,您可以检查所有属性。

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