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Sublime Text 3:纯文本模式下的粗体文本

[英]Sublime Text 3: bold text in plain text mode

I'm pretty new in Sublime Text 3, and I know it allows for a wide customization.我是 Sublime Text 3 的新手,我知道它允许进行广泛的自定义。

I would like to know how I could make some part of the text bold, italic or underlined, or even coloured, when I'm writing a plain text.我想知道在编写纯文本时如何使文本的某些部分变为粗体、斜体或下划线,甚至是彩色的。 It may sound dumb, but I have no idea how to do it and whether I can do it.听起来可能很愚蠢,但我不知道该怎么做以及我是否可以做到。

Thank you!谢谢!

Your best bet is to use the MarkdownPreview plugin combined with the LiveReload plugin to display Markdown text written in Sublime as HTML displayed in your web browser.最好的办法是使用MarkdownPreview插件与LiveReload插件结合使用,在 web 浏览器中显示用 Sublime 编写的 Markdown 文本为 HTML。 Unfortunately there isn't anything at this time that can display rendered HTML or Markdown in Sublime itself.不幸的是,目前没有任何东西可以在 Sublime 本身中显示渲染的 HTML 或 Markdown。

EDIT Apparently there is also MarkdownLivePreview , which I wasn't aware of before.编辑显然还有MarkdownLivePreview ,我以前不知道。 I haven't tested it yet, but it's very popular, so you might want to try it.我还没有测试过,但它很受欢迎,所以你可能想尝试一下。

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