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如何在 MongoDB 中设置集合名称

[英]How to set a collection name in MongoDB

I encountered such a problem, I do not know how to set the name of this collection through the code when creating a collection, that is, I write:遇到这样一个问题,不知道怎么在创建集合的时候通过代码设置这个集合的名字,也就是我这样写:

cluster = MongoClient("link")
db = cluster.BananiData
collection = db.ctx.guild.id

but the name is set as ctx.guild.id, I need to insert the server ID in the name, how can this be implemented?但是名称设置为ctx.guild.id,我需要在名称中插入服务器ID,如何实现?

PS: I use python PS:我用的是 python


cluster = MongoClient("mongodb+srv://Bananchik:hdkkIFkk6VKywSDH@cluster0.olcto.mongodb.net/<BananiData>?retryWrites=true&w=majority")
db = cluster.BananiData
collection = db.ctx.guild.id
#collection = cluster.BananiData.LevelSystem

class DataBases(commands.Cog):
    """ ФСБ? """
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot

    async def test_db(self, ctx):
        await ctx.send(collection)

        await ctx.send("DB id created")

        for member in ctx.guild.members:
            post = {
                "_id": member.id,
                "xp": 0,
                "lvl": 1,
                "message_count": 0


            if collection.count_documents({"_id": member.id}) == 0:
                print(f"Пользователь **{member.name}** добавлен в базу данных")

It is a good practice to enclose the name you want to assign to a collection inside a square bracket if you are using python.如果您使用的是 python,最好将要分配给集合的名称括在方括号内。


If you want to create a collection by the name "SampleCollection", you could use the below command, even though .如果你想创建一个名为“SampleCollection”的集合,你可以使用下面的命令,即使. operator works.操作员工作。

collection = db["SampleCollection"]


You should change the collection initialization code like the following:您应该更改集合初始化代码,如下所示:

collection = db[ctx.guild.id]

Note: Make sure that ctx.guild.id variable is of type str else it won't work.注意:确保ctx.guild.id变量是str类型,否则它将不起作用。

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