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Django 无法识别/找不到 post_save 编辑字段?

[英]Django doesn't recognize/can't find post_save edited field?

I'm trying to create a unique SlugField using a post_save model signal.我正在尝试使用 post_save model 信号创建一个独特的 SlugField。 If the SlugField already exists, a number should be appended to the slug to make it unique.如果 SlugField 已经存在,则应将一个数字附加到 slug 以使其唯一。

However, Django does not seem to to recognize when the SlugField already exists.但是,Django 似乎无法识别 SlugField 何时已存在。

I'm using a single-tabled inherited MPTT model:我正在使用单表继承的 MPTT model:

class Text(MPTTModel):
    type = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=False)  # for STI. Essentially returns the class name.
    title = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True)
    slug = models.SlugField(max_length=255, blank=True)
    slug_order = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Text, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # If we don't have a subclass at all, then we need the type attribute to match
        # our current class.
        if not self.__class__.__subclasses__():
            self.type = self.__class__.__name__.lower()
            subclass = [
                for x in self.__class__.__subclasses__()
                if x.__name__.lower() == self.type
            if subclass:
                self.__class__ = subclass[0]
                self.type = self.__class__.__name__.lower()

class Book(Text):
    objects = BookManager()

    class Meta:
        proxy = True

@receiver(post_save, sender=Book, dispatch_uid="create_book_slug")
def create_book_slug(sender, instance, **kwargs):
    slug = slugify(instance.title)
    slug_exists = Book.objects.filter(slug=slug).exists() # This always seems to be False
    counter = 1
    while slug_exists:
        counter += 1
        new_slug = f"{slug}-{counter}"
        slug_exists = Book.objects.filter(slug=new_slug).exists()
    if counter > 1:
        slug = f"{slug}-{counter}"
    instance.slug = slug

My test:我的测试:

b1 = Book.objects.create(title="book book")
b2 = Book.objects.create(title="book book")

self.assertEqual(b1.slug, "book-book") # True
self.assertEqual(b2.slug, "book-book-2") # False - b2.slug gives "book-book"
self.assertEqual(b1.slug, b2.slug) # This is True... obviously not what I want.

self.assertEqual(Book.objects.filter(slug=b1.slug).exists(), True) # False. I have no idea why.

self.assertEqual(Book.objects.filter(title=b1.title).exists(), True) # True. This works.

I have to use post_save as I actually want to leverage the default MPTT fields ( lft , rght , level , get_root() etc.) I actually have another STI model called Chapter that has will utilize slug_order :我必须使用post_save因为我实际上想利用默认的 MPTT 字段( lftrghtlevelget_root()等)我实际上有另一个 STI model 称为Chapter将使用slug_order

class Chapter(Text):
    objects = ChapterManager()

    class Meta:
        proxy = True

@receiver(post_save, sender=Chapter, dispatch_uid="create_chapter_slug")
def create_chapter_slug(sender, instance, **kwargs):
    print(instance.get_root()) # This works and points to the Chapter's top parent
    print(instance.get_root().slug) # This doesn't work and returns nothing
    instance.slug = instance.get_root().slug

    # slug_order code below works
    order = instance.rght - instance.lft
    if instance.level == 1:
        instance.slug_order = order
        instance.slug_order = f"{instance.parent.slug_order}/{order}"

Looks like the the post_save signal doesn't actually save.看起来post_save信号实际上并没有保存。

ie IE

b1 = Book.objects.create(title="book book")
self.assertEqual(b1.slug, "book-book") # True

self.assertEqual(b1.slug, "") # True

And adding instance.save() to the post_save receiver gives a recursion error.并且将instance.save()添加到post_save接收器会产生递归错误。

My initial problem is solved with using pre_save instead for the create_book_slug .使用pre_save代替create_book_slug解决了我最初的问题。

My create_chapter_slug is actually a whole other problem (my method for calculating the order is wrong) that I will be posting on another thread...我的create_chapter_slug实际上是另一个问题(我计算顺序的方法是错误的),我将在另一个线程上发布......

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