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仅撤销对 MySQL 具有所有权限的用户的删除

[英]Revoke only delete from user with all privileges on MySQL

I have a user with all privileges for a specific DB in MySQL 8:我有一个拥有 MySQL 8 中特定数据库所有权限的用户:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `mydatabase`.* TO `foo`@`localhost`

I can check the grants with SHOW GRANTS FOR 'foo'@'localhost';我可以使用SHOW GRANTS FOR 'foo'@'localhost'; and I get:我得到:

| Grants for foo@localhost                                    |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `foo`@`localhost`                     |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `mydatabase`.* TO `foo`@`localhost` |

Now I need to remove the DELETE grant on a specific table, so I've tried with:现在我需要删除特定表上的 DELETE 授权,所以我尝试过:

REVOKE DELETE ON `mydatabase`.`mytable` FROM 'foo'@'localhost';

but I get the following error:但我收到以下错误:

ERROR 1147 (42000): There is no such grant defined for user 'foo' on host 'localhost' on table 'mytable'

How can I remove the delete grant?如何删除删除授权? I have to add all grants one by one (which ones are they?) and then remove the delete grant?我必须一一添加所有授权(它们是哪些?),然后删除删除授权?

GRANT adds according row into privileges table. GRANT将相应的行添加到权限表中。

REVOKE deletes the row with specified privilege from this table, not add another row with removing the privilege. REVOKE从该表中删除具有指定权限的行,而不是添加具有删除权限的另一行。 So you can revoke only those privilege which is present in a table.因此,您只能撤销表中存在的那些特权。 Precisely.恰恰。

You may:您可以:

  1. Add separate privileges list with all privileges included into ALL PRIVILEGES except DELETE privilege on the database level添加单独的权限列表,所有权限都包含在 ALL PRIVILEGES 中,但数据库级别的 DELETE 权限除外
  2. Add DELETE privilege on all tables except mytable对除mytable之外的所有表添加 DELETE 权限
  3. Remove ALL PRIVILEGES privilege删除 ALL PRIVILEGES 权限

This is too complex.这太复杂了。 But correct.但正确。

Alternatively you may simplify the solution, do not use privileges system (of course this is not good practice), and forbid the deletion on the programming level using according trigger:或者,您可以简化解决方案,不使用特权系统(当然这不是好的做法),并使用根据触发器在编程级别禁止删除:

CREATE TRIGGER forbid_delete_for_user
ON mytable
    IF LOCATE(USER(), 'foo@localhost,bar@localhost') THEN
        SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000'
            SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Deletion from 'mytable' not allowed for current user.';
    END IF;

But you must remember that cascaded foreign key actions do not activate triggers .但是您必须记住,级联外键操作不会激活触发器 So the user can find the way for to delete the rows from this table nevertheless.因此,用户仍然可以找到从该表中删除行的方法。

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