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使用从夹具返回的列表参数化 Pytest 测试

[英]Parametrize Pytest test with list returned from fixture

I have a test that iterates over a list of dictionaries (parsed from a csv file in S3) returned from a fixture and performs assertions.我有一个测试迭代从夹具返回的字典列表(从 S3 中的 csv 文件解析)并执行断言。

In pseudocode:在伪代码中:

# s_3 is a fixture
def my_fixture(s_3):
  yield s_3_data_as_list_of_dicts

def my_test(my_fixture):
  for entry in my_fixture:
    do my assertions

I also had this written where I passed in the output into @pytest.mark.parametrize , but it wasn't from a fixture, but rather from just a method where I had to instantiate/connect S3.我也写了这个,我将 output 传递到@pytest.mark.parametrize ,但它不是来自夹具,而只是来自我必须实例化/连接 S3 的方法。

I want to be able to leverage my fixtures to get the data and parametrize the test based on the output, as in:我希望能够利用我的夹具来获取数据并基于 output 对测试进行参数化,如下所示:

# s_3 is a fixture
def my_fixture(s_3):
  yield s_3_data_as_list_of_dicts

@pytest.mark.parametrize("entries", [output from my_fixture])
def my_test(entries):
    do my assertions

I have seen things along these lines, but nothing that was able to help be resolve this issue - if there is a resolution other than just using a non-fixture method.我已经看到了这些方面的事情,但没有什么可以帮助解决这个问题 - 如果除了使用非固定方法之外还有其他解决方案。

You can use yield instead of return in my_fixture您可以在my_fixture中使用yield而不是return

def my_fixture(s_3):
    yield s_3_data_as_list_of_dicts

def my_test(my_fixture):
    print(my_fixture) # my_fixture is a list of dicts


@pytest.mark.parametrize is executed in collection time, when pytest is collecting all the tests that need to run. @pytest.mark.parametrize在收集时间执行,此时 pytest 正在收集所有需要运行的测试。 @pytest.fixture is executed in execution time, when the current test/module/session (depends on scope) is running. @pytest.fixture在当前测试/模块/会话(取决于范围)正在运行时在执行时执行。

If you would like each dictionary as a parameter to the test you can build non-fixture function and send it as a parameter to parametrize如果您希望将每个字典作为测试的参数,您可以构建非夹具 function 并将其作为参数发送到parametrize

def data_source():
    for d in s_3_data_as_list_of_dicts:
        yield d

@pytest.mark.parametrize('d', data_source())
def test_my_test(d):
    print(d) # d is a single dict

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