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[英]Examples of using authlib's httpx client asynchronously

There are several examples here of using an httpx client instead of a requests based session with the popular oauth lib, authlib这里有几个示例使用httpx客户端而不是基于requests的 session 和流行的 oauth lib、 authlib

However in those examples, they don't show how to properly open and close an async httpx session.但是在这些示例中,它们没有显示如何正确打开和关闭异步httpx session。 See https://www.python-httpx.org/async/https://www.python-httpx.org/async/

When I try to use it as suggested, I get warnings either about the session not being closed:当我尝试按照建议使用它时,我收到有关 session 未关闭的警告:

UserWarning: Unclosed <authlib.integrations.httpx_client.oauth2_client.AsyncOAuth2Client object at 0x000001B6444BFEB0>.用户警告:未关闭 <authlib.integrations.httpx_client.oauth2_client.AsyncOAuth2Client object 在 0x000001B6444BFEB0>。 Seehttps://www.python-httpx.org/async/#opening-and-closing-clients for details有关详细信息,请参阅https://www.python-httpx.org/async/#opening-and-closing-clients

And if I call twice, I get如果我打电话两次,我得到

RuntimeError: Event loop is closed RuntimeError:事件循环已关闭

This makes complete sense to me, as the examples in authlib s docs aren't using a context manager for the async session这对我来说完全有意义,因为authlib的文档中的示例没有使用异步 session 的上下文管理器

authlib 's AsyncOAuth2Client inherits from httpx 's AsyncClient , so you should be able to use the same methods given athttps://www.python-httpx.org/async/#opening-and-closing-clients . authlibAsyncOAuth2Client继承自httpxAsyncClient ,因此您应该能够使用https://www.python-httpx.org/async/#opening-and-closing-clients给出的相同方法。 So either something like:所以要么像:

async with authlib.integrations.httpx_client.oauth2_client.AsyncOAuth2Client() as client:


client = authlib.integrations.httpx_client.oauth2_client.AsyncOAuth2Client()
await client.aclose()

Should allow you to open and close sessions as needed.应该允许您根据需要打开和关闭会话。

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