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[英]The type or namespace name 'Input' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEngine.Experimental'

I am using unity's new input system and getting this error, I tried a lot to fix it but can't find the problem.我正在使用统一的新输入系统并收到此错误,我尝试了很多来修复它但找不到问题。 Please help me.请帮我。


Assets\Player01.cs(4,32): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Input' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEngine.Experimental' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

Full Script(C#):完整脚本(C#):

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Input;

public class Player01 : MonoBehaviour
    public InputMaster controls;

    void Awake ()
        controls.Player01.Shoot.performed += _ => Shoot();

    void Shoot ()
        Debug.Log("We shot the sherif!");
    private void OnEnable()
    private void OnDisable()

The problem is that there is no namespace of UnityEngine.Experimental.Input .问题是UnityEngine.Experimental.Input没有命名空间。 But, it only says “'Input' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEngine.Experimental'”.但是,它只说“‘输入’在命名空间‘UnityEngine.Experimental’中不存在”。 'Experimental' does exist and 'Input' does not. “实验”确实存在,“输入”不存在。 However, 'InputSystem' does.但是,“输入系统”可以。 And that is the one you are looking for, not 'Input'.那就是您要寻找的那个,而不是“输入”。 You should change the first line to this:您应该将第一行更改为:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.InputSystem;

public class Player01 : MonoBehaviour

Just in case, if the first solution did not work, Close vs studio / code if open, then go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Input System Manager.以防万一,如果第一个解决方案不起作用,关闭 vs studio / code 如果打开,然后 go 编辑 -> 项目设置 -> 输入系统管理器。 There will be only one option available.将只有一个选项可用。 Click the button, save your scene.单击按钮,保存您的场景。 Open a script.打开一个脚本。 This worked for me.这对我有用。 A lot of tutorials do not mention this part.很多教程都没有提到这部分。


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