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[英]ack: Escape single quotes while providing regex

I am using ack to search for all values of width enclosed within single or double quotes.我正在使用 ack 搜索包含在单引号或双引号内的所有宽度值。

Ex: width="23" , width='420'例如: width="23"width='420'

RegEx Pal confirms /width=("|')\d+\1/g is the right regex for the job. I am however finding it difficult to supply this regex to ack. RegEx Pal 确认/width=("|')\d+\1/g是适合这项工作的正则表达式。但是我发现很难提供这个正则表达式来确认。

<prompt>$ ack 'width=("|\')\d+\1' <--- Escaping the ' in the regex like \' did not help <prompt>$ ack 'width=("|\')\d+\1' <--- Escaping 正则表达式中的'\'没有帮助

<prompt>$ ack 'width=("|\\\')\d+\1' <--- Neither did this. <prompt>$ ack 'width=("|\\\')\d+\1' <--- 这也没有。

Any ideas?有任何想法吗?


works for me.为我工作。 The square brackets define a set of characters containing ' (by itself) and \" (espaced because of the surrounding double-quotes).方括号定义了一组包含' (单独)和\" (因为周围的双引号而被分隔)的字符。

It also works with grep, but you need the -P option because \d+ is not part of standard grep regex.它也适用于 grep,但您需要-P选项,因为\d+不是标准 grep 正则表达式的一部分。

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