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[英]Occurrence of the most frequent value in mysql

I am stuck on a problem where I need to find the count of the most frequent value.我遇到了一个问题,我需要找到最常见值的计数。

With this I will get the Table with all the different cars, their problem count and the most frequent problem.有了这个,我将得到所有不同汽车的表格,它们的问题数量和最常见的问题。

Now I want to count how many times does the most frequent problem occur.现在我想计算最常见的问题发生了多少次。 I think I need to do something with subqueries but I can't seem to figure it out.我想我需要对子查询做一些事情,但我似乎无法弄清楚。

Can anyone help me out or lead me to the right direction please?任何人都可以帮助我或引导我走向正确的方向吗?

Did I get you right, that you would like to count the occurence of the most frequent ProblemCount?我说得对吗,您想计算最常见的 ProblemCount 的出现吗?

If so: This is not the cleanest solution, but I hope, this will help you.如果是这样:这不是最干净的解决方案,但我希望这会对您有所帮助。

  SELECT Cars.Model, 
  COUNT(Jobs.JobType) AS ProblemCount, 
  Jobs.JobType AS MostCommonProblemType
  FROM Cars
  INNER JOIN Jobs ON Jobs.CarId = Cars.Id 
  GROUP BY Cars.Model
) A
WHERE ProblemCount = (SELECT MAX(B.ProblemCount) FROM (SELECT 
  COUNT(Jobs.JobType) AS ProblemCount
  FROM Cars
  INNER JOIN Jobs ON Jobs.CarId = Cars.Id 
  GROUP BY Cars.Model) B)
GROUP BY ProblemCount;

The best solution is to use a window function, rank() :最好的解决方案是使用 window function, rank()

FROM (SELECT c.Model, COUNT(*) AS ProblemCount, 
             j.JobType AS MostCommonProblemType,
             RANK) OVER (PARTITION BY c.Model ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) as ranking
      FROM Cars c INNER JOIN
           Jobs j
           ON j.CarId = c.Id 
      GROUP BY c.Model, j.JobType
     ) m
WHERE ranking = 1;

Here is a db<>fiddle. 是一个 db<>fiddle。

Note that use a table aliases;注意使用表别名; this makes the query easier to write and to read.这使查询更易于编写和阅读。 Also, you can use COUNT(*) .此外,您可以使用COUNT(*) There seems to be no need to check if Job(JobType) is not NULL , which is what COUNT(j.JobType) does.似乎没有必要检查Job(JobType)是否不是NULL ,这就是COUNT(j.JobType)所做的。

I used, as you, that strange feature of mysql, using a column that is not grouped and not aggregated, and made the needed subselect:像你一样,我使用了 mysql 的奇怪功能,使用未分组且未聚合的列,并进行了所需的子选择:

SELECT c.Model, 
COUNT(j.JobType) AS ProblemCount,
j.JobType as MostCommonProblemType
, (select count(*) from Jobs where jobs.Jobtype = j.JobType 
   and CarId in (select Id from Cars c2 where c2.model = c.model) 
  ) as ProblemCount
FROM Cars c
INNER JOIN Jobs j ON j.CarId = c.Id 
GROUP BY c.Model

Output Output

Model Model ProblemCount问题计数 MostCommonProblemType最常见问题类型 ProblemCount问题计数
Ford Mustang福特野马 8 8 Engine引擎 4 4
Ford Focus福特福克斯 6 6 Engine引擎 3 3
Ford Puma福特彪马 2 2 Maintenance维护 2 2


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