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如果还有 twig 连续出现,则错误无法正常工作标准代码

[英]If else a twig in a row, bug not working standart code

I need a little help, I'm trying to switch to a twig темплате of standard php code.我需要一点帮助,我正在尝试切换到标准 php 代码的 twig темплате。 But something is wrong, although i read the template documentation well.但是出了点问题,尽管我很好地阅读了模板文档。

My Code我的代码

<?php echo $pr['price'] . ($pr['unit'] ? '/' . $pr['unit'] : ''); ?>

{{ pr.price . pr.unit ? '/' . pr.unit : '' }}

How do you think I can solve the problem with this one-line check, something wrong with the rules and the check?你认为我可以如何解决这个单行检查的问题,规则和检查有问题?

In twig you use ~ to concat strings, u'd also need to add parantheses, just like you did in phptwig ,您使用~来连接字符串,您还需要添加括号,就像您在php中所做的一样

{{ pr.price ~ (pr.unit ? '/' ~ pr.unit : '') }}


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