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[英]Trouble with Unclosed element form

I can´t figure out why my form tag doesn´t recognise it´s close, any ideas?我无法弄清楚为什么我的表单标签无法识别它的关闭,有什么想法吗?

I have tried changing the divs a couple of times but it just messes up the whole form.我曾尝试更改 div 几次,但它只是弄乱了整个表单。

Code: https://codeshare.io/2pypdD代码: https://codeshare.io/2pypdD

I figured it out, it had to do with some non-obvious interactions (for me) between the and several divs.我想通了,它与 div 和几个 div 之间的一些不明显的交互(对我来说)有关。

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