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[英]How to bind content of tiptap editor

I'm using tip-tap editor and I've got some issues accessing the content of the editor.我正在使用提示编辑器,但在访问编辑器的内容时遇到了一些问题。 I need to post the content of the editor to an API so I need the content.我需要将编辑器的内容发布到 API 所以我需要内容。 Here is my code:这是我的代码:

 import tippy from "tippy.js"; import { Editor, EditorContent, VueRenderer } from "@tiptap/vue-2"; import Document from "@tiptap/extension-document"; import Paragraph from "@tiptap/extension-paragraph"; import Text from "@tiptap/extension-text"; export default { components: { EditorContent }, props: { comment_type: String, comment_text: String, comment_id: Number, edit_mode: Boolean }, data() { return { editor: null, limit: 280, users: [], comment_da: {}, edit_comment_da: {} }; }, watch: { comment_text(value) { console.log(value); this.editor.setContent(value); } }, mounted() { const self = this; const CustomParagraph = Paragraph.extend({ addKeyboardShortcuts() { return { // ↓ your new keyboard shortcut "Shift-Enter": () => self.addComment() }; } }); this.editor = new Editor({ extensions: [ Document, CustomParagraph, Text, ], content: this.comment_text }); }, beforeDestroy() { this.editor.destroy(); }, }
 <template> <div> <editor-content:editor="editor" class="form-control"/> </div> </template>

In the parent component I have some property which i need to pass to the tiptap editor在父组件中,我有一些属性需要传递给tiptap编辑器

 import editor from "./components/editor"; new Vue({ components: { editor }, data() { comment_da: {}, comment_text: "", } })
 <div class="m-messenger__form-controls"> <editor v-model="comment_text":comment_text="comment_text":comment_type="'comment'":comment_id="comment_da.id" /> </div>

I cannot access the editor content.我无法访问编辑器内容。 I've tried this solution https://github.com/ueberdosis/tiptap/issues/133 but I'm getting errors constantly while typing in it.我已经尝试过这个解决方案https://github.com/ueberdosis/tiptap/issues/133但我在输入时不断出错。

Error: "getHTML is not a function"错误:“getHTML 不是函数”

I found the answer and It's on the tiptap documentation Here我找到了答案,它在tiptap文档

 import editor from "./components/editor"; new Vue({ components: { editor }, data() { comment_da: {}, comment_text: "", } })
 <div class="m-messenger__form-controls"> <editor v-model="comment_text":comment_text="comment_text":comment_type="'comment'":comment_id="comment_da.id" /> </div>

 import tippy from "tippy.js"; import { Editor, EditorContent, VueRenderer } from "@tiptap/vue-2"; import Document from "@tiptap/extension-document"; import Paragraph from "@tiptap/extension-paragraph"; import Text from "@tiptap/extension-text"; export default { components: { EditorContent }, props: { comment_type: String, comment_text: String, comment_id: Number, edit_mode: Boolean }, data() { return { editor: null, limit: 280, users: [], comment_da: {}, edit_comment_da: {} }; }, watch: { comment_text(value) { console.log(value); this.editor.setContent(value); } }, mounted() { const self = this; const CustomParagraph = Paragraph.extend({ addKeyboardShortcuts() { return { // ↓ your new keyboard shortcut "Shift-Enter": () => self.addComment() }; } }); this.editor = new Editor({ extensions: [ Document, CustomParagraph, Text, Mention.configure({ HTMLAttributes: { class: "mention" }, suggestion: { items: query => { var self = this; const search_user = new crud( "/chat/mention/" + query ); search_user.get_all_data(true, false, data => { self.users = data.data; }); return this.users.filter(item => item.name.toLowerCase().startsWith(query.toLowerCase()) ); }, render: () => { let component; let popup; return { onStart: props => { component = new VueRenderer(MentionList, { parent: this, propsData: props }); popup = tippy("body", { getReferenceClientRect: props.clientRect, appendTo: () => document.body, content: component.element, showOnCreate: true, interactive: true, trigger: "manual", placement: "bottom-start" }); }, onUpdate(props) { component.updateProps(props); popup[0].setProps({ getReferenceClientRect: props.clientRect }); }, onKeyDown(props) { return component.ref?.onKeyDown(props); }, onExit() { popup[0].destroy(); component.destroy(); } }; } } }) ], content: this.comment_text, onUpdate() { // You can access to both HTML and JSON type of your content const json = this.getJSON(); const html = this.getHTML(); // send the content to an API here this.comment_text = json.content[0].content[0].text? json.content[0].content[0].text: ""; } }); }, beforeDestroy() { this.editor.destroy(); }, }
 <template> <div> <editor-content:editor="editor" class="form-control"/> </div> </template>

If you are curiuse you can take a look at onUpdate part of my code for get the changes.如果您有兴趣,可以查看我的代码的 onUpdate 部分以获取更改。

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