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[英]Having Trouble converting a string to bytes

I'm trying to convert a string to a byte, thats what I've done.我正在尝试将字符串转换为字节,这就是我所做的。
I want to send out a Modbusprotocol via serial and put it together in bitstring:我想通过串行发送一个 Modbus 协议并将其放在位串中:

tiger = '01' 
read = '03'
ac_val = '0031'
word = '0002'

code = tiger+read+ac_val+word

#now i want to put thist string in a bitstring with the function:

codeh = bytes.fromhex(code)
codeh = b'\x01\x03\x001\x00\x02 #This is what i got

But i was expecting:但我期待:

codeh = b'\x01\x03\x00\x31\x00\x02

I have no idea why the output is like this.我不知道为什么output是这样的。

What it's showing in the output is the ASCII representation of the byte values.它在 output 中显示的是字节值的 ASCII 表示。 Hex 31 corresponds to the ascii character '1'.十六进制 31 对应于 ascii 字符“1”。 Try this to see a demonstration:试试这个看看演示:


Here's a chart that shows these low values: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII#Control_code_chart这是显示这些低值的图表: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII#Control_code_chart

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