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Azure 存储帐户身份验证

[英]Azure storage account authentication

I am trying to develop a "upload file" solution on Azure where I restrict access to certain containers, or even blobs, inside a single storage account.我正在尝试在 Azure 上开发一个“上传文件”解决方案,在该解决方案中我限制对单个存储帐户内某些容器甚至 blob 的访问。

The typical scenario is that customer 1 uploads data to container 1, and customer 2 uploads data to container 2.典型场景是客户 1 向容器 1 上传数据,客户 2 向容器 2 上传数据。

Is there a build in way to restrict access by credentials of some sort to access specific containers?是否有一种方法来限制通过某种凭据访问特定容器的访问?

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