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TypeError:异常必须从 BaseException 派生。 “我正试图在比赛结束后暂停我的比赛。”

[英]TypeError: exceptions must derive from BaseException. "I'm trying to pause my game after the game over."

I'm trying to pause my game after the game over.比赛结束后我试图暂停我的比赛。 For that, I raised raise'Game Over!'为此,我提出了raise'Game Over!' in my game_over() function under class Game_Snake2 and used try and except in run() function under the same class. in my game_over() function under class Game_Snake2 and used try and except in run() function under the same class. But unfortunately I'm getting TypeError: exceptions must derive from BaseException.但不幸的是,我遇到了 TypeError:异常必须从 BaseException 派生。 I can't figure out what did I messed up.我不知道我搞砸了什么。 Help me to get rid of it.帮我摆脱它。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。 My code is here:我的代码在这里:

import pygame, sys, random
from pygame.locals import *
from pygame.math import Vector2
from pathlib import *

cell_size = 40
cell_number = 19
screen_color = (175, 215, 70)
snake_color = (183, 111, 122)
food_color = (70, 70, 214)
score_color = (56, 76, 11)
score_bg_color = (167, 211, 65)

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((cell_number * cell_size, cell_number * cell_size))
base_directory = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
apple_path = 'snake2_resources/images/apple.png'
apple = pygame.image.load(base_directory / apple_path).convert_alpha()
font_path = base_directory / 'snake2_resources/font/poetsen_one_regular.ttf'
game_font = pygame.font.Font(font_path, 24)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

class Snake:
    def __init__(self):
        self.snake_body = [Vector2(5, 10),Vector2(4, 10),Vector2(3, 10)]
        self.direction = Vector2(0, 0)
        self.new_body = False
        snake_path = base_directory / 'snake2_resources/images/snake'

        self.head_up = pygame.image.load(snake_path / 'head_up.png').convert_alpha()
        self.head_down = pygame.image.load(snake_path / 'head_down.png').convert_alpha()
        self.head_right = pygame.image.load(snake_path / 'head_right.png').convert_alpha()
        self.head_left = pygame.image.load(snake_path / 'head_left.png').convert_alpha()
        self.tail_up = pygame.image.load(snake_path / 'tail_up.png').convert_alpha()
        self.tail_down = pygame.image.load(snake_path / 'tail_down.png').convert_alpha()
        self.tail_right = pygame.image.load(snake_path / 'tail_right.png').convert_alpha()
        self.tail_left = pygame.image.load(snake_path / 'tail_left.png').convert_alpha()
        self.body_vertical = pygame.image.load(snake_path / 'body_vertical.png').convert_alpha()
        self.body_horizontal = pygame.image.load(snake_path / 'body_horizontal.png').convert_alpha()
        self.body_tr = pygame.image.load(snake_path / 'body_tr.png').convert_alpha()
        self.body_tl = pygame.image.load(snake_path / 'body_tl.png').convert_alpha()
        self.body_br = pygame.image.load(snake_path / 'body_br.png').convert_alpha()
        self.body_bl = pygame.image.load(snake_path / 'body_bl.png').convert_alpha()

    def update_snake_head(self):
        head_direction = self.snake_body[1] - self.snake_body[0]

        if head_direction == Vector2(1, 0):
            self.head = self.head_left
        elif head_direction == Vector2(-1, 0):
            self.head = self.head_right
        elif head_direction == Vector2(0, 1):
            self.head = self.head_up
        elif head_direction == Vector2(0, -1):
            self.head = self.head_down

    def update_snake_tail(self):
        tail_direction = self.snake_body[-2] - self.snake_body[-1]

        if tail_direction == Vector2(1, 0):
            self.tail = self.tail_left
        elif tail_direction == Vector2(-1, 0):
            self.tail = self.tail_right
        elif tail_direction == Vector2(0, 1):
            self.tail = self.tail_up
        elif tail_direction == Vector2(0, -1):
            self.tail = self.tail_down
    def draw_snake(self):

        for index, body_part in enumerate(self.snake_body):
            body_part_x = body_part.x * cell_size
            body_part_y = body_part.y * cell_size
            body_part_surface = pygame.Rect(body_part_x, body_part_y, cell_size, cell_size)
            if index == 0:
                screen.blit(self.head, body_part_surface)

            elif index == len(self.snake_body) - 1:
                screen.blit(self.tail, body_part_surface)

                previous_body_part = self.snake_body[index + 1] - body_part
                next_body_part = self.snake_body[index - 1] - body_part

                if previous_body_part.x == next_body_part.x:
                    screen.blit(self.body_vertical, body_part_surface)

                elif previous_body_part.y == next_body_part.y:
                    screen.blit(self.body_horizontal, body_part_surface)

                    if previous_body_part.x == -1 and next_body_part.y == -1 or previous_body_part.y == -1 and next_body_part.x == -1:
                        screen.blit(self.body_tl, body_part_surface)

                    elif previous_body_part.x == -1 and next_body_part.y == 1 or previous_body_part.y == 1 and next_body_part.x == -1:
                        screen.blit(self.body_bl, body_part_surface)

                    elif previous_body_part.x == 1 and next_body_part.y == -1 or previous_body_part.y == -1 and next_body_part.x == 1:
                        screen.blit(self.body_tr, body_part_surface)
                    elif previous_body_part.x == 1 and next_body_part.y == 1 or previous_body_part.y == 1 and next_body_part.x == 1:
                        screen.blit(self.body_br, body_part_surface)

    def add_body(self):
        self.new_body = True
    def move_snake(self):
        if self.new_body == True:
            snake_body_copy = self.snake_body[:]
            snake_body_copy.insert(0, snake_body_copy[0] + self.direction)
            self.snake_body = snake_body_copy[:]
            self.new_body = False
            snake_body_copy = self.snake_body[: -1]
            snake_body_copy.insert(0, snake_body_copy[0] + self.direction)
            self.snake_body = snake_body_copy[:]

    def reset(self):
        self.snake_body = [Vector2(5, 10), Vector2(4, 10), Vector2(3, 10)]
        self.direction = Vector2(0, 0)

class Food:
    def __init__(self):

    def draw_food(self):
        food_surface = pygame.Rect(self.position.x * cell_size, self.position.y * cell_size, cell_size, cell_size)
        screen.blit(apple, food_surface)

    def randomize(self):
        self.food_x = random.randint(0, cell_number - 1)
        self.food_y = random.randint(0, cell_number - 1)
        self.position = Vector2(self.food_x, self.food_y)

class Game_Snake2:
    def __init__(self):
        self.screen_update = pygame.USEREVENT
        pygame.time.set_timer(self.screen_update, 156)
        self.snake = Snake()
        self.food = Food()
        self.pause = False

    def draw_grass(self):
        grass_color = (167, 209, 61)
        for row in range(cell_number):
            if row % 2 == 0:
                for column in range(cell_number):
                    if column % 2 == 0:
                        grass_surface = pygame.Rect(column * cell_size, row * cell_size, cell_size, cell_size)
                        pygame.draw.rect(screen, grass_color, grass_surface)

                for column in range(cell_number):
                    if column % 2 != 0:
                        grass_surface = pygame.Rect(column * cell_size, row * cell_size, cell_size, cell_size)
                        pygame.draw.rect(screen, grass_color, grass_surface)
    def display_score(self):
        score = str(len(self.snake.snake_body) - 3)
        score_surface = game_font.render(score, True, score_color)
        score_x = cell_size * cell_number - 60
        score_y = cell_size * cell_number - 40
        score_shape = score_surface.get_rect(center=(score_x, score_y))
        score_apple = apple.get_rect(midright = (score_shape.left, score_shape.centery))
        score_background = pygame.Rect(score_apple.left, score_apple.top, score_apple.width + score_shape.width + 6, score_apple.height)
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, score_bg_color, score_background)
        screen.blit(score_surface, score_shape)
        screen.blit(apple, score_apple)
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, score_color, score_background, 2)
    def draw_elements(self):
    def play_sound(self, sound_name):
        sound_path = base_directory / f'snake2_resources/sounds/{sound_name}.mp3'
        sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(sound_path)
    def is_hit(self):
        if self.food.position == self.snake.snake_body[0]:

        for body_part in self.snake.snake_body[1:]:
            if body_part == self.food.position:

    def game_over(self):
        if not 0 <= self.snake.snake_body[0].x < cell_number or not 0 <= self.snake.snake_body[0].y < cell_number:
            raise 'Game Over!'
            # self.snake.reset()

        for tail in self.snake.snake_body[1:]:
            if tail == self.snake.snake_body[0]:
                raise 'Game Over!'
                # self.snake.reset()

    def update_screen(self):
    def run(self):
        running = True
        while running:
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                    if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                    if event.key == K_RETURN:
                        # pygame.mixer.music.unpause()
                        self.pause = False
                    if not self.pause:
                        if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                            if game.snake.direction.y != 1:
                                game.snake.direction = Vector2(0, -1)

                        if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                            if game.snake.direction.y != -1:
                                game.snake.direction = Vector2(0, 1)

                        if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
                            if game.snake.direction.x != 1:
                                game.snake.direction = Vector2(-1, 0)

                        if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                            if game.snake.direction.x != -1:
                                game.snake.direction = Vector2(1, 0)
                elif event.type == self.screen_update:
                elif event.type == pygame.QUIT:

                    if not self.pause and event.type == self.screen_update:

                except Exception:
                    self.pause = True


if __name__ == '__main__':
    game = Game_Snake2()

I'm getting this error:我收到此错误:

pygame 2.0.1 (SDL 2.0.14, Python 3.9.4)
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "e:\archive_root\CSE\Python\portfolio_py\projects_py\games_py\snake2_py\snake_game2.py", line 271, in <module>
  File "e:\archive_root\CSE\Python\portfolio_py\projects_py\games_py\snake2_py\snake_game2.py", line 250, in run     
  File "e:\archive_root\CSE\Python\portfolio_py\projects_py\games_py\snake2_py\snake_game2.py", line 215, in update_screen
  File "e:\archive_root\CSE\Python\portfolio_py\projects_py\games_py\snake2_py\snake_game2.py", line 209, in game_over
    raise 'Game Over!'
TypeError: exceptions must derive from BaseException

Instead of a str you need to raise a specific type of exception, for example例如,您需要raise特定类型的异常,而不是str

raise RuntimeError('Game Over!')

You can either use one of the built-in exceptions or you can define your own by inheriting from the appropriate base class.您可以使用内置异常之一,也可以通过从适当的基础 class 继承来定义自己的异常。

You cannot raise a string as an Exception, you must pass an exception instance or class.您不能raise string作为异常引发,您必须传递异常实例或 class。 Or as mentioned in the official python tutorial on errors .或如官方 python错误教程中所述。

The sole argument to raise indicates the exception to be raised. raise 的唯一参数表示要引发的异常。 This must be either an exception instance or an exception class (a class that derives from Exception).这必须是异常实例或异常 class(从 Exception 派生的 class)。

So you must either use an existing Exception class, say RuntimeError like @Cory Kramer explained in his answer.因此,您必须使用现有的异常 class,例如 @Cory Kramer 在他的回答中解释的 RuntimeError。

or create your own Exception class.或创建您自己的异常 class。

class GameOverException(Exception):

and call it并称之为

raise GameOverException('Game Over!')


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