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为什么类星体框架 select css 会出现这种奇怪的行为?

[英]Why is that strange behaviour in quasar framework select css?

I have a select control that I need to put on the right.我有一个需要放在右侧的 select 控件。 I use html and css to achieve this, but there is strange behaviour when I click on the control for the first time.我使用 html 和 css 来实现这一点,但是当我第一次单击控件时出现奇怪的行为。 It breaks the options, but when navigate the options the control grows until there are not break lines:它破坏了选项,但是当导航选项时,控件会增长,直到没有断线:

https://codepen.io/andreschica/pen/LYWpKvJ?editors=1011 https://codepen.io/andreschica/pen/LYWpKvJ?editors=1011

<div id="q-app">
  <q-card bordered class="my-card justify-between "> 
     <q-card-section class="row justify-between items-center bg-grey-2 q-pa-none">
      <q-item class="col-8 q-pa-none" style="background-color: #f5f5f5;">
      <q-item class="col-4 q-pa-none" style="background-color: #f5f5f5;">
          <div class="row items-center q-pa-sm col-12 justify-center ">
            <label class="text-weight-bold text-primary text-h5 q-mr-sm">Evento:</label>
           <q-select  v-model="model" class="col-grow" :options="listaEventos" > 

I need to avoid that behaviour.我需要避免这种行为。 Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。

This is due to col-grow and a few other things这是由于 col-grow 和其他一些事情

<div class="row items-center justify-center ">
    <label class="text-weight-bold text-primary text-h5 q-mr-sm">Evento:</label>
    <q-select  v-model="model" class="col-10" :options="listaEventos" />

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