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不同应用程序之间的 Tibco EMS

[英]Tibco EMS between different applications

Is it possible to send a class object between two different applications using Tibco EMS topic.是否可以使用 Tibco EMS 主题在两个不同的应用程序之间发送 class object。 Should the class be created at receiver end also for the same class 是否应该在接收端也为相同的

Yes TIBCO EMS can handle message of type 'Object' that are Java objects.是的,TIBCO EMS 可以处理类型为“对象”的消息,即 Java 对象。

Link to the online documentation below: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/ems/8.6.0/doc/html/GUID-C7E6CD95-C172-4755-BDF0-63DCC944F6D0.html链接到以下在线文档: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/ems/8.6.0/doc/html/GUID-C7E6CD95-C172-4755-BDF0-63DCC944F6D0.ZFC35FDC70D5FC69D269883A82EZCA7

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