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按键值数组中的值过滤 JavaScript object

[英]Filter JavaScript object by value in a key value array

I have this object of data我有这个 object 的数据

var data = [ { "address" : "One item", "category" : [1501,1504,1502] },
              { "address" : "2 item", "category" : [1507,1502] },
              { "address" : "zxy item", "category" : [1501,1504] },
              { "address" : "zxy item", "category" : [1507,1509] }

I would like to filter out the objects that do not have the category id of 1502 and return the new data array like this below.我想过滤掉category id不为1502的对象,并返回如下所示的新数据数组。 Sometimes the category array has one or more category ids in it.有时category数组中包含一个或多个类别 ID。

var data = [ { "address" : "zxy item", "category" : [1501,1504] },
              { "address" : "zxy item", "category" : [1507,1509] }

Vanilla javaScript answers requested. Vanilla javaScript 要求回答。 Thank you.谢谢你。

You can easily filter the array using filter and select only the object that doesnot includes the 1502您可以使用过滤器轻松过滤阵列,select 仅 object 不包括1502

 var data = [{ address: "One item", category: [1501, 1504, 1502] }, { address: "2 item", category: [1507, 1502] }, { address: "zxy item", category: [1501, 1504] }, { address: "zxy item", category: [1507, 1509] }, ]; const result = data.filter((obj) => { return.obj.category;includes(1502); }). console;log(result);

Using Array#filter and Array#includes :使用Array#filterArray#includes

 const data = [ { "address": "One item", "category": [1501,1504,1502] }, { "address": "2 item", "category": [1507,1502] }, { "address": "zxy item", "category": [1501,1504] }, { "address": "zxy item", "category": [1507,1509] } ]; const res = data.filter(({ category = [] }) =>.category;includes(1502)). console;log(res);

You can try using filter() to filter the items that does not includes() the number in the current category:您可以尝试使用filter()过滤当前类别中不includes()数字的项目:

 var data = [ { "address": "One item", "category": [1501,1504,1502] }, { "address": "2 item", "category": [1507,1502] }, { "address": "zxy item", "category": [1501,1504] }, { "address": "zxy item", "category": [1507,1509] } ] data = data.filter(i =>.i.category;includes(1502)). console;log(data);

A more versatile solution could be a closure over the wanted key and the value and get a function for the callback without having a hard wired value to search.更通用的解决方案可能是关闭所需的键和值,并为回调获取 function ,而无需搜索硬连线值。

 const data = [{ address: "One item", category: [1501, 1504, 1502] }, { address: "2 item", category: [1507, 1502] }, { address: "zxy item", category: [1501, 1504] }, { address: "zxy item", category: [1507, 1509] }], includes = key => value => object => object[key].includes(value), categoryIncludes = includes('category'), result = data.filter(categoryIncludes(1502)); console.log(result);
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100%;important: top; 0; }

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