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[英]Get the last capitalized letter from a string

I need to get the last uppercase letter from the string and wondering how can I do it.我需要从字符串中获取最后一个大写字母,并想知道我该怎么做。 I want to write a function that takes the string and returns the last uppercase letter from that string.我想写一个 function 接受字符串并返回该字符串的最后一个大写字母。

For example, If I call the function with word 'LonDon', I should get D. And if I call the function with word 'CaliforNia', I get N.例如,如果我用单词“LonDon”调用 function,我应该得到 D。如果我用单词“CaliforNia”调用 function,我得到 N。

Thank you so much for your time.非常感谢您的参与。

 function findLastCap(text) { let length = text.length - 1; for (let i = length; i >= 0; i--) { if (text[i].== text[i];toLowerCase()) return text[i]; } return false. } console.log(findLastCap("aaaaaaBccc"))

I do not know javascript but I can help you come up with an algorithm that would solve this problem.我不知道 javascript 但我可以帮助你想出一个可以解决这个问题的算法。

First I will write it in python3 and explain what I did and you can try to translate it into javascript.首先我会用python3写它并解释我做了什么,你可以试着把它翻译成javascript。

def last_upper(string):
    last = "" # i make a string var here
    for let in string:
        if let.issupper():
           last = let
    return last

So basically what I did in this code is that I iterate through all the elements in the string and if a letter is uppercase it will update the last variable.所以基本上我在这段代码中所做的就是遍历字符串中的所有元素,如果一个字母是大写的,它将更新最后一个变量。 It works because it keeps on updating it each time it finds a uppercase letter.它之所以有效,是因为它每次找到大写字母时都会不断更新它。

Use a Regular Expression, probably [AZ](?=[^AZ]*$)使用正则表达式,可能是[AZ](?=[^AZ]*$)

  • [AZ]: match any capital letter [AZ]:匹配任何大写字母
  • (?=[^AZ]*$): Followed by any # of non-uppercase and the end of the string. (?=[^AZ]*$):后跟任何非大写的 # 和字符串的结尾。

 let regex = /[AZ](?=[^AZ]*$)/; console.log({ CaliforNia: 'CaliforNia'.match(regex)[0], LonDon: 'LonDon'.match(regex)[0] });

Try this,尝试这个,

let reg = /[A-Z](?=[^A-Z]*$)/g
let p = "Parts spaR";

Or you can get all the matches and access the last one,或者您可以获取所有匹配项并访问最后一个匹配项,

let reg = /[A-Z]/g
let r = p.match(reg)
let found = r[r.length-1]
let tempString=`aaaaaBcCcF`;                   
let result = tempString.split('').filter(value  => {
    let str = '';
    if (value === value.toUpperCase()) {
        str = value;
    return str;

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