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在 javascript 中使用 post 方法时,Json 文件没有得到更新?

[英]Json file not getting updated when using post method in javascript?

This is the js code for post:这是post的js代码:

async function invoice() {
    const baseurl = '';
    let response = await fetch(baseurl, {
        method: 'POST',
        body: JSON.stringify({
            userId: 1,
            Total: 3333
        headers: {
            'Content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((json) => console.log(json));

This is the backend code:这是后端代码:

public function getInvoice(Request $request){
    $invoice = json_encode($request->all());
    $result = file_put_contents(base_path('storage/app/invoice.json'),$invoice);

Each time while posting, it shows only one entry.每次发布时,它只显示一个条目。 ie The content is overridden by another instead of creating new entries?即内容被另一个覆盖而不是创建新条目?

    userId: 1,
    Total: 3333

Try this for appending to a file instead of just overwriting it:试试这个附加到文件而不是仅仅覆盖它:

I've set the append flag and added a lock to the operation.我设置了 append 标志并为操作添加了锁。 Read more here .在这里阅读更多。

public function getInvoice(Request $request){
    $invoice = json_encode($request->all());
    $result = file_put_contents(base_path('storage/app/invoice.json'), $invoice, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);

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