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将 Blazor 与 Electron.NET 一起使用,我如何在单击 MenuItem 时执行组件内的代码?

[英]Using Blazor with Electron.NET, how can I execute code inside a component whenever I click on a MenuItem?

I am using Blazor Server.我正在使用 Blazor 服务器。 Inside my startup I am configuring the MenuItems like this:在我的启动中,我正在像这样配置 MenuItems:

var menu = new[]
    new MenuItem
        Label = "File", Submenu = new[]
            new MenuItem
                Label = "Save", 
                Accelerator = "CmdOrCtrl+S", 
                Enabled = false,
                Click = () =>
                    // How do I execute code inside my component?


My component lives on the root and is always rendered.我的组件位于根目录上并且总是被渲染。 It has a simple method called Save which I want to call.它有一个名为Save的简单方法,我想调用它。

public async Task SaveProject()
    await Project.Save();

Isn't there some kind of event inside the static Electron class that I could use?我可以使用 static Electron class 中的某种事件吗? Something like OnMenuItemClicked .类似OnMenuItemClicked的东西。

Having a static property that I could access inside my component would not only be bad design, it would prevent me from accessing any instance properties.拥有可以在组件内部访问的 static 属性不仅是糟糕的设计,而且会阻止我访问任何实例属性。

I came up with a more or less applicable solution myself.我自己想出了一个或多或少适用的解决方案。 I have created a singleton service IMenuItemService which I am using in both my Startup and my Component.我创建了一个 singleton 服务 IMenuItemService,我在我的启动和组件中都使用它。 Since MenuItems do not have an ID per se, I created a seperate Enum MenuItemType to seperate them.由于 MenuItems 本身没有 ID,因此我创建了一个单独的 Enum MenuItemType来分隔它们。 The service looks something like this:该服务看起来像这样:

public class MenuItemService : IMenuItemService
    public Action<MenuItemType> MenuItemClicked { get; set; }

    private Dictionary<MenuItemType, MenuItem> ConfigurableMenuItems { get; }

    public MenuItemService()
        ConfigurableMenuItems = new Dictionary<MenuItemType, MenuItem>();
        InitializeMenuItem(MenuItemType.Close, "Close Project", null, false);

    private void InitializeMenuItem(MenuItemType type, string label, string accelerator, bool enabled)
        ConfigurableMenuItems.Add(type, new MenuItem
            Label = label,
            Accelerator = accelerator,
            Enabled = enabled,
            Click = () => { MenuItemClicked?.Invoke(type); },

    public void SetEnabled(MenuItemType menuItemType)
        ConfigurableMenuItems[menuItemType].Enabled = true;
    public void SetDisabled(MenuItemType menuItemType)
        ConfigurableMenuItems[menuItemType].Enabled = false;

    public void RenderMenuItems()
            new MenuItem
                Label = "File", Submenu = new []

With this approach I can call menuItemService.RenderMenuItems() from anywhere in my application including Startup.cs while in my Components I am setting the MenuItemClicked Action in order to listen to clicks.使用这种方法,我可以从应用程序中的任何位置(包括Startup.cs )调用menuItemService.RenderMenuItems() ,而在我的组件中,我正在设置MenuItemClicked操作以收听点击。

public IMenuItemService MenuItemService { get; set; }

private void InitializeMenuItemActions()
    MenuItemService.MenuItemClicked = type =>
        if (type == MenuItemType.Close)

In my case I intentionally used an Action Property instead on an EventHandler since I do not need multiple listeners for my MenuItem.在我的情况下,我故意在 EventHandler 上使用了 Action 属性,因为我的 MenuItem 不需要多个侦听器。

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