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[英]Discord.js: Bot should mention user who did the command

I am making a bot for Discord as a first JS Project who will print out GIFs or Images after the user wrote a.GIF or.JPG command.我正在为 Discord 制作一个机器人,作为第一个 JS 项目,它会在用户编写 .GIF 或 .JPG 命令后打印出 GIF 或图像。 Additionally it will add a message.此外,它将添加一条消息。 How can i mention the user who made the command in the message above the GIF / Image ?我如何在 GIF / 图片上方的消息中提及发出命令的用户 I tried and did search but couldn't find a solution.我尝试并进行了搜索,但找不到解决方案。

client.on("message", msg => {

const sentences = ["Here is your sh*", "Take that image and shove it!", "Lol ok..."]
const texts = sentences[Math.floor(Math.random() * sentences.length)];

if (msg.content === "!Commands") {
  msg.reply("Use '!GIF' for random GIFs and '!JPG'for random JPGs");

if (msg.content === "!GIF") {  
  gifNumber = 6 
  var randomGif = Math.floor (Math.random() * (gifNumber - 1 + 1)) + 1;
  msg.reply(texts, {files: ["./gif/" + randomGif + ".gif"]}); 

if (msg.content ==="!JPG") {
  jpgNumber = 2
  var randomJpg = Math.floor (Math.random() * (jpgNumber - 1 + 1)) + 1;
  msg.reply(texts, {files: ["./jpg/" + randomJpg + ".jpg"]});


The stringified User object will parse into a mention.字符串化的用户 object 将解析为提及。 Send 2 messages, 1 for the mention, and the 2nd for the content发送 2 条消息,1 条用于提及,2 条用于内容

msg.channel.send(texts, {files: ["./jpg/" + randomJpg + ".jpg"]});

You can use msg.author.id您可以使用msg.author.id

msg.channel.send(`<@${msg.author.id}> any text`);

Will allow you to mention to user within the same message with the way mentions are made将允许您在同一条消息中以提及的方式向用户提及

<@UserID> mentions a user <@UserID>提及用户

<#ChannelID> mentions a channel <#ChannelID>提到了一个频道

<@&RoleID> mentions a role <@&RoleID>提到了一个角色

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