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在 QFormLayout 中搜索 QLineEdit 时应用程序崩溃

[英]Application crashing when searching for QLineEdit in QFormLayout

I've experienced a weird crash when trying to find a QLineEdit in a QFormLayout .尝试在QFormLayout中找到QLineEdit时,我遇到了奇怪的崩溃。

Firstly, I created a QFormLayout and set a name for it:首先,我创建了一个QFormLayout并为其命名:

QFormLayout *charColLayout = new QFormLayout; charColLayout->setObjectName("charColLayout");

Then, I created a QLineEdit , modified it a bit and add it in to the layout, and I also give it a name:然后,我创建了一个QLineEdit ,对其进行了一些修改并将其添加到布局中,我还给它起了一个名字:

QLineEdit *delim = new QLineEdit; 
charColLayout->addRow("Delimiter", delim);

Afterward, in a completely different function, I re-searched that layout with findChild() :之后,在一个完全不同的 function 中,我使用findChild()重新搜索了该布局:

QFormLayout *charcoal = secondHoriField->findChild<QFormLayout *>("charColLayout", Qt::FindChildrenRecursively);

It should be noted that secondHoriField is just a normal QLayout which my QFormLayout is located in.需要注意的是, secondHoriField只是我的QFormLayout所在的普通QLayout

Finally, I attempted to find that QLineEdit :最后,我试图找到QLineEdit

QLineEdit *delimEdit = charcoal->findChild<QLineEdit*>("delEdit", Qt::FindChildrenRecursively);
if (delimEdit == nullptr) {cerr << "error\n";} //debug
string curDelim = qStrToStr(delimEdit->text());

And it surprisingly came down with a crash, and as the output shown, it's because the delimEdit is null .它令人惊讶地崩溃了,正如 output 所示,这是因为delimEditnull

18:06:10: Starting D:\...\build-cryptog-Desktop_Qt_5_15_2_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\debug\cryptog.exe ...
18:06:17: The program has unexpectedly finished.
18:06:17: The process was ended forcefully.
18:06:17: D:\...\build-cryptog-Desktop_Qt_5_15_2_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\debug\cryptog.exe crashed.

But when I switched the findChild() function for this rather bruteforce-y line:但是,当我将findChild() function 切换为这条相当蛮力的行时:

QLineEdit *delimEdit = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(charcoal->itemAt(1)->widget());
cerr << qStrToStr(delimEdit->objectName()) << endl; //debug line

The program ran fine, and it showed the same name I set for the QLineEdit :该程序运行良好,它显示了我为QLineEdit设置的相同名称:

18:12:02: Starting D:\...\build-cryptog-Desktop_Qt_5_15_2_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\debug\cryptog.exe ...
18:12:11: D:\...\build-cryptog-Desktop_Qt_5_15_2_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\debug\cryptog.exe exited with code 0

Why did this happened?为什么会这样?

Another note: qStrToStr() is a function I implement to convert QString to std::string , and I have hand-checked it.另一个注意事项: qStrToStr()是一个 function 我实现将QString转换为std::string ,我已经手动检查了它。

While findChild is a QObject method the itemAt is a QFormLayout method. findChild是一个 QObject 方法,而itemAt是一个 QFormLayout 方法。

With addRow you add an item to the QFormLayout.使用addRow可以向 QFormLayout 添加一个项目。 This does not make it a child in the context of the QObject.这不会使其成为 QObject 上下文中的对象。

The purpose of the QFormLayout is to organize the positioning of QWidgets, it is not meant to serve as a container. QFormLayout 的目的是组织 QWidgets 的定位,而不是充当容器。 Maybe you could check whether the top level QWidget (eg QMainWindow) holding the QFormLayout would be a better choice as a parent for the QLineEdit.也许您可以检查持有 QFormLayout 的顶级 QWidget(例如 QMainWindow)作为 QLineEdit 的父级是否是更好的选择。

Assuming you have some kind of QMainWindow :假设您有某种QMainWindow

QMainWindow myMainWindow;
// ...
QLineEdit *delim = new QLineEdit(&myMainWindow);

In another location:在另一个位置:

auto delimEdit = myMainWindow.findChild<QLineEdit*>("delEdit");

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