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如何将变量从 Python Flask 转移到 JavaScript?

[英]How can I transfer a variable from Python Flask to JavaScript?

I am developing a simple website with Python Flask and JavaScript for my machine learning project.我正在为我的机器学习项目开发一个带有 Python Flask 和 JavaScript 的简单网站。 It has a form which gets data from the user, then predict a target and send it back to the user.它有一个表单,可以从用户那里获取数据,然后预测目标并将其发送回用户。 I set the action of form as "index", and When the form is submitted the page "index.html" should be loaded.我将表单的操作设置为“索引”,当提交表单时,应该加载页面“index.html”。 I tried using POST method to get data from JavaScript and it works, but on the other hand, I cannot transfer the answer from Python to JavaScript.我尝试使用 POST 方法从 JavaScript 获取数据并且它有效,但另一方面,我无法将答案从 Python 转移到 JavaScript。 My code for POST method is something like this:我的 POST 方法代码是这样的:

@app.route('/',methods = ['POST', 'GET'])
def myFunction():
if request.method == "POST":
    myVariable = request.form["example"]
    answer = myModel.predition(myVariable)

    return redirect(url_for("index"))

    return render_template("myWeb.html")

I tried using GET method in Flask and fetch in JS to transfer the answer but as my answer variable is in myFunction(), I cannot use GET outside of it.我尝试在 Flask 中使用 GET 方法并在 JS 中获取来传输答案,但由于我的答案变量在 myFunction() 中,我不能在它之外使用 GET。 Furthermore, when I tried to show a simple string as answer it didn't work.此外,当我尝试显示一个简单的字符串作为答案时,它不起作用。 My code was something like this:我的代码是这样的:

@app.route('/index',methods = ['POST', 'GET'])
def answer():
if request.method == 'GET':
    message = {"prediction"}
    return jsonify(message)

and my JS was:我的 JS 是:

    .then(function (response) {
          return response.json();
  }).then(function (text) {
      console.log('GET response:');

I really don't know how should I fix this and show my answer on index.html successfully.我真的不知道我应该如何解决这个问题并成功地在 index.html 上显示我的答案。 I take Internal Server Error on index page.我在索引页面上出现内部服务器错误。

message = {"prediction"} is a Set that contains your string. message = {"prediction"}是一个包含您的字符串的集合。 As usually sets are not JSON serializable.通常集合不是 JSON 可序列化的。 You have to use a list here message = ["prediction"] (or remove the brackets to return as simply string)您必须在此处使用列表message = ["prediction"] (或删除括号以简单地返回字符串)

Btw: You're indentation looks broken... Maybe it's a copy&paste issue, but please check if your code is correct indented.顺便说一句:你的缩进看起来坏了......也许这是一个复制和粘贴问题,但请检查你的代码是否正确缩进。

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