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html.js 在页面加载 Gatsby 时仅加载一次脚本

[英]html.js loading the script only once on page load Gatsby

I am using html.js to load custom script.我正在使用 html.js 加载自定义脚本。 I have created a js file in static folder custom.js but when I am running my project it loads the script only once on first time page load but when I am navigation to other page it not loading the script.我在 static 文件夹custom.js中创建了一个 js 文件,但是当我运行我的项目时,它只在第一次页面加载时加载脚本,但是当我导航到其他页面时它不加载脚本。

My custom.js file我的custom.js文件

$(document).ready(function () {
    console.log("in ready");

My html.js file我的html.js文件

import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { withPrefix } from "gatsby";

export default function HTML(props) {
    return (
        <html {...props.htmlAttributes}>
                <meta charSet="utf-8" />
                <meta httpEquiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge" />
                    content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"
            <body {...props.bodyAttributes}>
                    dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: props.body }}
                <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
                <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.4.1/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

HTML.propTypes = {
    htmlAttributes: PropTypes.object,
    headComponents: PropTypes.array,
    bodyAttributes: PropTypes.object,
    preBodyComponents: PropTypes.array,
    body: PropTypes.string,
    postBodyComponents: PropTypes.array,

What I am doing here wrong?我在这里做错了什么? Why it's loading script only once?为什么它只加载一次脚本? What I have to do load custom.js script on every page navigation?我必须在每个页面导航上加载custom.js脚本吗?

I have also tried to include custom.js inside my Layout file in <Helmet></Helmet> but same issue.我还尝试在<Helmet></Helmet>的布局文件中包含custom.js ,但同样的问题。


What I am doing here wrong?我在这里做错了什么? Why it's loading script only once?为什么它只加载一次脚本? What I have to do load custom.js script on every page navigation?我必须在每个页面导航上加载 custom.js 脚本吗?

I think that there is a misunderstanding and a mix of context on how React and old-fashioned scripting like jQuery works.我认为对于 React 和像 jQuery 这样的老式脚本的工作方式存在误解和混合上下文。 In the end, Gatsby is a React-based application.最后,Gatsby 是一个基于 React 的应用程序。

Among saying that Reacts manipulates a virtual DOM (vDOM) and jQuery points directly to the DOM, which has an extremely high-cost impact on performance.其中说 Reacts 操作一个虚拟 DOM (vDOM),jQuery 直接指向 DOM,这对性能有极高的成本影响。 If you mix both approaches outside the scope of React, you can block React's hydration , potentially breaking your application.如果你在 React 的 scope 之外混合使用这两种方法,你可以阻止React 的 hydration ,可能会破坏你的应用程序。

You can simply create a useEffect hook with empty dependencies ( [] ), which will be triggered once the DOM tree is loaded for each page it's included.您可以简单地创建一个带有空依赖项 ( [] ) 的useEffect挂钩,一旦为包含的每个页面加载 DOM 树,就会触发该挂钩。 React's lifecycle should work for your use-case without overkilling the customization of the HTML generated by Gatsby. React 的生命周期应该适用于您的用例,而不会过度使用 Gatsby 生成的 HTML 的自定义。

Your custom.js file must have something exported.您的custom.js文件必须导出一些内容。 As simply as:就像:

const customJS =()=> console.log("I'm ready");

export default customJS;  

Then, on any page:然后,在任何页面上:

import React, {useEffect} from "react";
import customJS from "../path/to/custom.js";

const AnyPage =(props)=>{

   }, [])

return <div>Some content for AnyPage()<div>
export default AnyPage;

customJS() will be triggered only one time per page, once the DOM is loaded.加载 DOM 后,每页将仅触发一次customJS()

Please, don't use jQuery along with React, it's not needed.请不要将 jQuery 与 React 一起使用,这不是必需的。

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