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我可以在请求期间覆盖 NestJS SessionModule cookie 域吗?

[英]Is it possible that I can override NestJS SessionModule cookie domain during request?

I have a NestJS where I use SessionModule for user cookies, and it's all working great, but I need to override the domain name for some requests.我有一个NestJS ,我在其中为用户 cookies 使用SessionModule ,一切都很好,但我需要为某些请求覆盖域名。 Not sure how can I do this in NestJS , the actual setting of the domain seems to be in the imports array of a module, there is no room where I can inject req: Request不知道如何在NestJS中执行此操作,域的实际设置似乎在模块的imports数组中,没有空间可以注入req: Request

  imports: [
   session: {
     secret: 'someSecret',
      name: `ssid`,
      cookie: {
        maxAge: 1234125645654,
        domain: '' // I need to set this sometimes during some requests.
export class AppModule implements NestModule, OnModuleInit { }

It turns out to be as easy as req.session.cookie.domain = 'example.com'结果就像req.session.cookie.domain = 'example.com'一样简单

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