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[英]Conditional column display, django-tables2

I have developed a table, using django-tables2 which shows records of a model.我开发了一个表,使用django-tables2显示 model 的记录。 The last column of this table, is an "edit button" which leads user to the "edit page" of its row record.该表的最后一列是一个“编辑按钮”,它将用户引导到其行记录的“编辑页面”。

What I want is that the user can see the edit column only if she has permission to edit the model!我想要的是用户只有在有权编辑模型的情况下才能看到edit column

Also I need to mention that currently I'm using SingleTableView to develop table view.另外我需要提一下,目前我正在使用SingleTableView来开发表格视图。

1: To make an entire column hidden , you can " exclude " that field from the table in the view. 1:要隐藏整个列,您可以从视图中的表中“排除”该字段。

class MyTableView(SingleTableView):
    # class based view
    model = MyModel
    table_class = MyTable

    def get_table(self, **kwargs):
        table = super(MyTableView, self).get_table(**kwargs)
        if not self.request.user.has_perm("can_edit"):
            table.exclude = ('edit_button',) 
        return table

def my_table_view(request):
    # function based view

    table = MyTable(<queryset>)

    if not request.user.has_perm("can_edit"):
        table.exclude = ('edit_button',) 

    return render(request, template, context)

2: To hide the button in the column , you can check for permission before rendering the edit button by using a custom render function. 2:要隐藏列中的按钮,可以在渲染编辑按钮之前检查权限,使用自定义渲染function。

https://django-tables2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pages/custom-data.html#table-render-foo-methods https://django-tables2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pages/custom-data.html#table-render-foo-methods

class MyTable(tables.Table):

    edit_button = tables.Column()

    def render_edit_button(self, record):

        if request.user.has_perm("can_edit"):
            url = reverse("edit_view", args=(record.id,))

            return mark_safe(f'<a href="{url}">Edit {record.id}</a>')
        return mark_safe("")

As I mentioned, I am using SingleTableView .正如我所提到的,我正在使用SingleTableView So I found out there's a method in SingleTableView class, which according to its docs:所以我发现SingleTableView class 中有一个方法,根据它的文档:

Allows passing customized arguments to the table constructor.允许将自定义的 arguments 传递给表构造函数。

So to remove edit column, I added this method in my view class (which was inherited from SingleTableView :所以要删除edit列,我在我的视图 class 中添加了这个方法(它是从SingleTableView继承的:

    def get_table_kwargs(self):
            if not self.request.user.has_perm('permission_to_edit'):
                return {'exclude': ('edit_column',)}
                return {}

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