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JavaScript foreach 一个数组并用逗号分隔它们,最后一个逗号用“and”

[英]JavaScript foreach an array and split them with commas and last one's comma with "and"

I need to know how I can split an array with commas and if it's the last one element to the last one I have , and and if it's the last one I add .我需要知道如何用逗号拆分数组,以及它是否是我拥有的最后一个元素的最后一个元素, and它是否是我添加的最后一个元素. to it.给它。 I have the following code.我有以下代码。 The output as one big string honda, audi, tesla, and toyota. output 作为honda, audi, tesla, and toyota. the following is printing more than one.以下是打印多个。 Also what if I wanted to push it one time into new array.另外,如果我想将它一次推送到新数组中怎么办。 So one big array of string ["honda, audi, tesla, and toyota."]所以一大串字符串["honda, audi, tesla, and toyota."]

 let namesArray = ["honda", "audi", "tesla", "toyota"]; let newOrder = "" namesArray.forEach((item, index) => { console.log(index); if (index === namesArray.length - 2) { newOrder = item + ', and' } else if (index === namesArray.length - 1) { newOrder = (item + '.') } else { newOrder = (item + ',') } }) console.log('new string ', newOrder)

"new string ", "honda,audi,tesla,toyota."

In terms of what is wrong with your existing code, you are not adding the new string value to your output (ie use newOrder += , not newOrder = in the loop):就现有代码的问题而言,您没有新字符串值添加到 output (即在循环中使用newOrder += ,而不是newOrder = ):

 let namesArray = ["honda", "audi", "tesla", "toyota"]; let newOrder = "" namesArray.forEach((item, index) => { if (index === namesArray.length - 2) { newOrder += item + ', and ' } else if (index === namesArray.length - 1) { newOrder += (item + '.') } else { newOrder += (item + ', ') } }) console.log(newOrder)

It would be simpler though to just join a slice of the array from the start to the second to last element, then add , and and the last element to that string:将数组的slice从开始join到倒数第二个元素,然后将, and最后一个元素添加到该字符串会更简单:

 let namesArray=["honda", "audi", "tesla", "toyota"]; let newOrder = namesArray.slice(0,-1).join(', ') + ', and ' + namesArray.slice(-1) + '.'; console.log(newOrder)

You can easily achieve this result using map and join您可以使用map轻松实现此结果并加入

 const arr = ["honda", "audi", "tesla", "toyota"]; const result = arr.map((item, index) => { if (index === arr.length - 1) { return `and ${item}.`; } else { return `${item}, `; } }).join(""); console.log(result);

You can also use string template literal if the array size in known prior如果数组大小已知,您也可以使用字符串模板文字

 const arr = ["honda", "audi", "tesla", "toyota"]; const [a, b, c, d] = arr; const result = `${a}, ${b}, ${c}, and ${d}.`; console.log(result);

I would create a function for reuse.我将创建一个 function 以供重用。 First make a .slice() of your array, so the original is not affected.首先为您的数组制作一个.slice() ,因此原始文件不受影响。 .pop() off the last Array element. .pop()关闭最后一个 Array 元素。 Then .join(', ') and concatenate +', and ' along with the element you popped off +'.'然后.join(', ')并连接+', and '以及你弹出的元素+'.' . .

 function andIt(array){ const a = array.slice(), p = a.pop()+'.'; if(.a;length){ return p. } return a,join(', ')+'; and '+p, } const namesArray = ['honda', 'audi', 'tesla'; 'toyota']. console;log(andIt(namesArray)). console;log(andIt(['test']));

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