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使用 xpath 将 XML 文件解析为字典

[英]parse an XML file into a dictionary with xpath

Provided I have a XML response as:假设我有一个 XML 响应为:

from lxml import etree
XML_string= '''<div type="description" xml:base="elpais.es" xml:lang="es" xml:id="f0910b98">
<p xml:id="_657a490035" n="0001">blabla1</p>
<p xml:id="_657a490036" n="0002">blabla2. bla bla 2.</p>
<p xml:id="_657a490037" n="0003">blabla3.blabla3</p>
<p xml:id="_657a490038" n="0004">bla4</p></div>'''

I parse it as follows:我解析如下:

parser = etree.XMLParser(resolve_entities=False, strip_cdata=False, recover=True, ns_clean=True)
XML_tree = etree.fromstring(XML_string.encode() , parser=parser)

I am after transforming the XML into a dict as follows:我将 XML 转换为字典后,如下所示:

result_list = [{'id':"_657a490035", 'n':'001', 'text':'blabla1'},
{'id':"_657a490036", 'n':'002', 'text':'blabla2'}

I am very close seeing this:我非常接近看到这个:

all_paras = XML_tree.xpath('.//p[@xml:id]')
result_list = []
for para in all_paras:

I dont know how to access the content of the attributes in the node para.我不知道如何访问节点 para 中属性的内容。

Some help?一些帮助?

EDIT: Be aware taht if you do:编辑:如果你这样做,请注意:

for para in all_paras:

I get the strange dict:我得到了奇怪的命令:

 '{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}id': '_657a490035', 'n': '0001'}

For some reason xml:id gets into this: {http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}id'由于某种原因 xml:id 进入这个:{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}id'

You are getting entangled with namespaces, unfortunately.不幸的是,您正与命名空间纠缠在一起。 One way to handle the problem is to use local-name() :解决问题的一种方法是使用local-name()

for para in all_paras:   
    #I simplified the id attribute value a bit, for simplicity 

Output: Output:

[{'id': '1', 'n': '0001', 'text': 'blabla1'},
 {'id': '2', 'n': '0002', 'text': 'blabla2. bla bla 2.'},
 {'id': '3', 'n': '0003', 'text': 'blabla3.blabla3'},
 {'id': '4', 'n': '0004', 'text': 'bla4'}]

xml: in xml:lang , xml:id and xml:base is a special namespace prefix , bound to the http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace namespace URI. xml: in xml:lang , xml:id and xml:base is a special namespace prefix , bound to the http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace namespace URI. Unlike any other prefix, it does not need to be declared in the XML document.与任何其他前缀不同,它不需要在 XML 文档中声明。

You can get the values of the xml:id attributes via xpath() , like this:您可以通过xpath()获取xml:id属性的值,如下所示:

for para in all_paras:
    result_list.append({'text': para.text, 'id': para.xpath('@xml:id')[0]}) 

You could also use the get() method, but then you would have to provide the full namespace URI enclosed in braces:您也可以使用get()方法,但是您必须提供用大括号括起来的完整命名空间 URI:

for para in all_paras:
    result_list.append({'text': para.text, 'id': para.get("{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}id")}) 

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