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TinyMCE 5 编辑器未显示任何下拉项目

[英]TinyMCE 5 editor not showing any dropdown Item

I was working with TinyMCE 4, it was working good but I moved to TinyMCE 5, it started creating issues.我正在使用 TinyMCE 4,它运行良好,但我移至 TinyMCE 5,它开始产生问题。 When I click any drop-down menu it doesn't show any menu item eg if I click on the "Paragraph" drop down it is not displaying any menu item.当我单击任何下拉菜单时,它不会显示任何菜单项,例如,如果我单击“段落”下拉菜单,它不会显示任何菜单项。 All other buttons are working fine(that are not drop-down) eg bold, italic etc.所有其他按钮都可以正常工作(不是下拉按钮),例如粗体、斜体等。

我网站上的 TinyMCE

When I click any drop-down menu it doesn't show any error, I checked the console many times.当我单击任何下拉菜单时,它没有显示任何错误,我多次检查控制台。


Official document link : https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/general-configuration-guide/basic-setup/官方文档链接https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/general-configuration-guide/basic-setup/

If you go to the bottom of this document, you'll see it show codepen link, there code is working fine ie drop-down menu are working fine, I'm using the same js code but still drop-down menu is not working for me.如果您将 go 放在本文档的底部,您会看到它显示 codepen 链接,代码工作正常,即下拉菜单工作正常,我使用相同的 js 代码,但下拉菜单仍然不工作为了我。 I'm not able to understand what the issue can be.我无法理解问题可能是什么。

My code:-我的代码:-

    selector: 'textarea',
    width: 600,
    height: 300,
    plugins: [
      'advlist autolink link image lists charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak',
      'searchreplace wordcount visualblocks code fullscreen insertdatetime media nonbreaking',
      'table emoticons template paste help'
    toolbar: 'undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | ' +
      'bullist numlist outdent indent | link image | print preview media fullpage | ' +
      'forecolor backcolor emoticons | help',
    menu: {
      favs: {title: 'My Favorites', items: 'code visualaid | searchreplace | emoticons'}
    menubar: 'favs file edit view insert format tools table help',
    content_style: 'body { font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px }'

Any help will be appreciated, Thanks .任何帮助将不胜感激,谢谢

PS: I'm using bootstrap 4 but not using any kind of bootstrap modal. PS:我使用的是引导程序 4,但没有使用任何引导程序模式。

TinyMCE adds a tag at the end of your html body. TinyMCE 在 html 主体的末尾添加一个标签。 this div is for create lists of dropdown buttons you click... so if you have multiple elements with different z-index, this may cause that div goes behind others and cant be seen... so my solution which is not the best is: add this code in setup option of TinyMCE init():此 div 用于创建您单击的下拉按钮列表...因此,如果您有多个具有不同 z-index 的元素,这可能会导致该 div 落后于其他元素并且无法被看到...所以我的解决方案不是最好的:在 TinyMCE init() 的设置选项中添加此代码:

setup: function (ed) {
    ed.on('init', function () {                        
        $(".tox.tox-silver-sink.tox-tinymce-aux").css("z-index", 100000);

I put this css on my stylesheet.我把这个 css 放在我的样式表上。 This works for all select options.这适用于所有 select 选项。 My problem was i use bootstrap 5 and others libraries with css, the z-index value of TinyMCE was the problem.我的问题是我使用 bootstrap 5 和其他带有 css 的库,TinyMCE 的 z-index 值是问题所在。

.tox .tox-menu.tox-collection.tox-collection--list.tox-selected-menu {
    z-index: 100000 !important;

You can resolve this by simply modifying the css.您可以通过简单地修改 css 来解决此问题。

.tox-tinymce-aux {               
      z-index: 130000000000 !important;

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