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从 Postman 中的 GraphQL 查询获取数据时出现异常 (/getAccidentsForDriver): null"

[英]Exception while fetching data (/getAccidentsForDriver) : null" from a GraphQL query in Postman

I'm using Spring MVC, with Hibernate and GraphQL.我正在使用 Spring MVC,以及 Hibernate 和 GraphQL。

I have 2 entity classes: Driver and AccidentHistory .我有 2 个实体类: DriverAccidentHistory

public class Driver implements java.io.Serializable {

    private int personId;
    private Set<AccidentHistory> accidentHistories = new HashSet<AccidentHistory>(0);
    //Rest of the class
public class AccidentHistory implements java.io.Serializable {

    private Integer id;
    private Driver driver;
    //Rest of the class

I want to return all the AccidentHistory for an ID of a Driver , but I cannot get it to work for the life of me and all I get is the exception which tells me close to nothing .我想返回所有AccidentHistory以获得Driver的 ID,但我无法让它为我的一生工作,我得到的只是一个告诉我几乎没有的异常。

This is the HQL:这是 HQL:

"FROM AccidentHistory WHERE driver.personId = :id"

This is my GraphQL query:这是我的 GraphQL 查询:

query {
    getAccidentsForDriver(id: 1) {

Why does this exception happen?为什么会发生这个异常?

After running the same code on another computer, we figured out that the project on my laptop wasn't building for some weird ass reason.在另一台计算机上运行相同的代码后,我们发现我笔记本电脑上的项目并没有因为一些奇怪的原因而构建。 The query is correct and there were no problems in general.查询是正确的,一般没有问题。

I would just add that you need this line in your *.graphqls:我只想补充一点,您需要在 *.graphqls 中使用这一行:

getAccidentsForDriver(id: Int!): [AccidentHistory]

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