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Flutter 中的所有小部件是否都具有“bool this.mounted”属性?

[英]Do all widgets in Flutter have the "bool this.mounted" property?

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I am researching Flutter's widget lifecycle and stopped at a point which is the this.mounted boolean variable, it does exist directly in the State class, which can only be connected with a StatefulWidget as a subclass and never will/did with a StatelessWidget .我正在研究 Flutter 的小部件生命周期,并在this.mounted boolean 变量处停止,它确实直接存在于State class 中,它只能作为子类与StatefulWidget连接,永远不会/与StatelessWidget连接。

The question is...问题是...

Do all widgets actually contain the bool this.mounted variable as some say here in [ this accepted answer , this article and this ], or not?是否所有小部件实际上都包含bool this.mounted变量,正如某些人在 [ this accepted answer , this article and this ] 中所说的那样?

I searched in Flutter and found this mounted variable only in the State class, then I looked further to find a function called mount() inside the Element class.我在Flutter中查找,只在State class中找到了这个挂载变量,再往下找,在class元素中找到了一个名为mount()Element

The StatelessWidget class is connected to the StatelessElement class, which extends from the ComponentElement that inherits directly from the Element class. StatelessWidget class 连接到StatelessElement class,它从直接继承自Element class 的ComponentElement扩展而来。

I'm really confused right now, maybe I misunderstood this, I need an explanation for this please,.我现在真的很困惑,也许我误解了这一点,我需要对此进行解释,。 Thank you.谢谢你。

In the future versions of Flutter (currently 3.3.4 on the stable channel) BuildContext will have a getter bool mounted so you can use it in stateless widgets:在 Flutter 的未来版本中(目前稳定通道上的3.3.4BuildContext将安装一个 getter bool mounted因此您可以在无状态小部件中使用它:

See this PR which adds the getter: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/111619请参阅此添加吸气剂的 PR: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/111619


This has been released with Flutter 3.7.0 .这已与 Flutter 3.7.0一起发布。 You can now use context.mounted in stateful and stateless widgets.您现在可以在有状态和无状态小部件中使用context.mounted

Not sure why that answers says all widgets .不知道为什么答案说all widgets But NO .但是NO

Only State<T> objects are the ones that have a getter named mounted .只有State<T>对象是具有名为mountedgetter的对象。

This is easy to verify, Just cmd + click or ctrl + click on any State you have in your class which will redirect you to a file called framework.dart which is located at flutter -> package -> flutter -> lib -> src -> widgets path. This is easy to verify, Just cmd + click or ctrl + click on any State you have in your class which will redirect you to a file called framework.dart which is located at flutter -> package -> flutter -> lib -> src -> widgets路径。

Search mounted and this line is the only actual declaration that you will find.搜索已mounted ,此行是您将找到的唯一实际声明。

bool get mounted => _element != null;

And that's part of the State class' code.这是State类代码的一部分。

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