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如何删除循环链表中的最后一次出现? (爪哇)

[英]How do I delete the last occurrence in a circular linked list? (java)

I want to make a method that deletes the last occurrence of a value given in an argument in a circular linked list.我想创建一个方法来删除循环链表中参数中给定值的最后一次出现。
I tried to do it and this is my approach:我试图这样做,这是我的方法:

public void deleteLastOccurence(int value) {
        Element cur = this.head;
        Element prev = null;
        Element tmp = null;
        if(this.head == null)
        if(this.rear.data == value) {
            this.head = this.rear = null;
//      while(cur != this.rear) {
            while(cur.next != this.head && cur.next.data != value) {
                prev = cur;
                tmp = cur.next;
//              cur = cur.next;
//          cur = cur.next;
//      }
        prev.next = tmp.next;

But I don't think that I am deleting the last occurrence, because what if the value that I want to delete is right next to the same value.但我不认为我正在删除最后一次出现,因为如果我要删除的值就在同一个值旁边怎么办。

Separate finding the node from deleting the node.将查找节点与删除节点分开。 The method is simplified to该方法简化为

public void deleteLastOccurrence(int value) {
  Element lastOccurrence = findLastOccurrence(value);
  if (null != lastOccurrence) {

Assuming that a circular list means that the head.prev is the rear and the rear.next is the head .假设一个循环列表意味着head.prevrear ,而后部rear.nexthead To find the last occurrence, start at the rear of the list and iterator towards the head .要查找最后一次出现,从列表的rear开始,迭代器朝向head The last occurrence is thus the first match you encounter.因此,最后一次出现是您遇到的第一个匹配项。

private Element findLastOccurrence(int value) {
  if (isEmpty()) {
    return null;
  Element current = rear;
  do {
    if (current.value == value) {
      return current;
    current = current.prev;
  } while (current != rear);  // we're back at the rear with no match
  return null;

The isEmpty() and deleteElement(Element) methods are left as an exercise for the reader. isEmpty()deleteElement(Element)方法留给读者作为练习。

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