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[英]Fetching a distinct column only if duplicates columns have the same data

I have this type of table:我有这种类型的表:

| Name, Boolean |
| A   , 0       |
| B   , 0       |
| B   , 0       |
| A   , 1       |
| C   , 1       |
| D   , 0       |
| C   , 0       |
| A   , 0       |
| A   , 1       |
| B   , 0       |
| D   , 0       |

I want to select distinct all names that their duplicates booleans are 0 aswell.我想 select 区分所有重复布尔值也为 0 的名称。 So the result will be:所以结果将是:

| RESULT:       |
| Name          |
| B             |
| D             |

Because A and C contains boolean also of "1" so they wont be fetched因为 A 和 C 包含 boolean 也是“1”,所以它们不会被提取

I can do:我可以:

SELECT DISTINCT name, MAX(boolean) as boolean FROM table1 GROUP BY name;

But what condition I need to use if I want to fetch only the results that their max(boolean) are 0?但是,如果我只想获取它们的 max(boolean) 为 0 的结果,我需要使用什么条件?

I can't use two select statements inside one query because we are talking about big data database.. so this solution is not an option in my case:我不能在一个查询中使用两个 select 语句,因为我们正在谈论大数据数据库。所以在我的情况下,这个解决方案不是一个选项:

SELECT DISTINCT t1.name FROM table1 t WHERE t1.name NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT t2.name FROM table1 t2 WHERE t2.boolean = 1);

Couldn't think of an option when using "JOIN" aswell.在使用“JOIN”时也想不出一个选项。

Any solutions?有什么解决办法吗?

Thanks in advance: :)提前致谢: :)

You can use aggregation:您可以使用聚合:

select name
from table1 t
group by name
having min(boolean) = max(boolean);

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