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[英]How to pass array in C#

I have a prototype: 我有一个原型:

  int[] medianFileter(int[] data);

and an array 和一个数组

  int[] intVal = new int[5];

How can I pass the intVal to the prototype in C#? 如何将intVal传递给C#中的原型?

Um, you just call it (assuming you've got a real implementation to call): 嗯,您只需调用它(假设您有一个真正的实现要调用):

int[] result = medianFileter(intVal);

Note that any changes made to the array within the method will show up in intVal : you're not passing each of the integers individually, but a reference to the whole array. 请注意,对方法中的数组所做的任何更改都将显示在intVal :您不是分别传递每个整数,而是对整个数组的引用。

(There could be some trickiness here due to your use of the word "prototype" - it's not standard C# terminology, so I'm not exactly sure what you mean. If you could clarify the question, that would help.) (由于您使用了“原型”一词,因此可能会有一些棘手的问题-这不是标准的C#术语,因此我不确定您的意思。如果您可以澄清问题,那将会有所帮助。)

On a side note, method names in .NET are usually Pascal-cased, so this should probably be: 附带说明一下,.NET中的方法名称通常使用Pascal大小写,因此应为:

int[] result = ApplyMedianFilter(intVal);


int[] medianFiltered = medialFileter(intVal);



What's the problem with: 有什么问题:



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