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[英]Why can I not push a number into my array of strings even though I have converted the number back to a string?

Hello there I am trying to do a code wars kata: https://www.codewars.com/kata/54a91a4883a7de5d7800009c/train/javascript您好,我正在尝试进行代码大战 kata: https://www.codewars.com/kata/54a91a4883a7de5d7800009c/train/javascript

I know what I have done is very long-winded but I wanted to do it step by step before I refactored it.我知道我所做的事情很冗长,但我想在重构之前一步一步地做。

  1. I have split the string input from the user我已经拆分了用户输入的字符串
  2. Filtered through the array just to get the number and converted it to a NUMBER通过数组过滤只是为了获取数字并将其转换为 NUMBER
  3. Incremented that number by 1将该数字增加 1
  4. Changed number back to string将数字改回字符串
  5. Now I want to add my string number to the original array but it doesn't work and I don't understand why:S现在我想将我的字符串编号添加到原始数组中,但它不起作用,我不明白为什么:S

I know this is not the final answer to the kata but I am just trying things and wondered why this did not work...我知道这不是对 kata 的最终答案,但我只是在尝试并想知道为什么这不起作用......

function isNumeric(num){
 return !isNaN(num)

function incrementString (string) {
  const splitString = string.split("");

  let numbers = Number(splitString.filter(el => isNumeric(el)).join("")); //[
  'f', 'o', 'o', 'b',
  'a', 'r', '0', '0',
  '4', '2'

  let incrementNumber = numbers +=1; // 43

  let revertNumberToString = incrementNumber.toString(); // "43"

  let test = splitString.push(revertNumberToString); // why can I not push the number 43 onto my original array?

  console.log(test); // 11? why?



It does seem to be working correctly.它似乎工作正常。 If you check splitString again after you push to it then it will have all 11 items.如果您在 push 后再次检查 splitString,那么它将包含所有 11 个项目。 That is where the number 11 is coming from.这就是数字 11 的来源。 When you save a push to a variable it doesn't make a new array but rather it saves the length of the new array.当您将推送保存到变量时,它不会创建新数组,而是保存新数组的长度。

  // ["f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r", "0", "0", "4", "2"]
  let test = splitString.push(revertNumberToString);
  // ["f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r", "0", "0", "4", "2", 43]
  console.log(test); // 11? why?

Javascript push method adds the element to the array and returns the length, that's why you get 11 instead of the array itself. Javascript push 方法将元素添加到数组并返回长度,这就是为什么你得到 11 而不是数组本身。 Reference 参考

You could take a different approach by splitting the value into string and number part and take the length of the number part for later padding the value with leading zeroes.您可以采用不同的方法,将值拆分为字符串和数字部分,并获取数字部分的长度,以便稍后用前导零填充值。

 function incrementString(value) { const string = (value.match(/\D+/) || [''])[0], number = (value.match(/\d+/) || ['0'])[0]; return string + (+number + 1).toString().padStart(number.length, 0); } function assertEquals(a, b) { console.log(a === b, a, b); } assertEquals(incrementString("foobar000"), "foobar001"); assertEquals(incrementString("foo"), "foo1"); assertEquals(incrementString("foobar001"), "foobar002"); assertEquals(incrementString("foobar99"), "foobar100"); assertEquals(incrementString("foobar099"), "foobar100"); assertEquals(incrementString(""), "1");


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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