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如何在 laravel livewire 中应用 select2,在多个刀片文件中有 1 个组件

[英]How to apply select2 in laravel livewire with 1 component in multiple blade file

**Component File**
class PurchaseRequests extends Component

 public $show = 'index';

 public function create()
    $this->method = 'store';
    $this->show = 'form';

 public function render()
   return view('livewire.purchase_requests.'.$this->show);

Blade File index.blade.php form.blade.php刀片文件索引.blade.php form.blade.php

I tried to apply the select2 in index.blade.php and its working but when i try it to form.blade.php its not working.我尝试在 index.blade.php 中应用 select2 及其工作,但是当我尝试将其应用于 form.blade.php 时它不工作。 i dont know whats the problem.我不知道是什么问题。

I don't know what could be causing the issue once I can't see any code.一旦我看不到任何代码,我不知道是什么导致了这个问题。 But for my experience with select2 and Livewire I'm going to share with you my codding.但是对于我在 select2 和 Livewire 方面的经验,我将与您分享我的编码。 This is a simple example for one component and the blade related.这是一个组件和刀片相关的简单示例。 component零件

public $models;
public $selected_item;
protected $listeners = ['selected_select2_item'];  // this listen for the select2 emitted event 

public function hydrate()  // hydrate the select2 element on every re-render

public function mount()
  $this->models = Model::all();

public function render()

public function selected_select2_item($value)  // function load from listener

and in the blade component在刀片组件中


<select id="select2_element" wire:change="$emit('selected_select2_item',$event.target.value)">
  @foreach($models as $model)  
    <option value="{{$model->id}}">{{$model->name}}</option>


    $(document).ready(function() {

                    placeholder: '-- Select model--',
                    allowClear: true});


            $('#select2_element').on('change', function (e) {
                livewire.emit('selected_select2_item', e.target.value)



Hope this code can help you like it did it before with me;希望这段代码可以帮助你喜欢它以前和我一起做的事情; ;) ;)

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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