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为什么我不能在 wpf 的资源字典中使用我的 static 资源?

[英]Why can't I use my static resource in a resource dictionary in wpf?

I designed my control (radio button) using a ResourceDictionary like this:我使用这样的ResourceDictionary设计了我的控件(单选按钮):

//in SidebarMenuButtonTheme.xaml

<Style TargetType="{x:Type custom:MenuItem}"
    <Setter Property="Template">
            <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type custom:MenuItem}">
                <Grid Background="{TemplateBinding Background}">
                    <TextBlock x:Name="SidebarRadioButtonMenuText"
                                Text="{TemplateBinding Property=Content}"                             
                                FontFamily="{StaticResource NunitoBold}" />

The FontFamily works just fine when I define the Source : eg当我定义Source时, FontFamily工作得很好:例如


But when I use StaticResource for the FontFamily但是当我为FontFamily使用StaticResource

FontFamily="{StaticResource NunitoBold}"

I receive this error in my UI:我在 UI 中收到此错误:


(The error is: The element [MenuItem] of type MenuItem could not be displayed) (错误是:无法显示MenuItem类型的元素[MenuItem])

This is how I declare my font resource in my App.xaml这就是我在 App.xaml 中声明字体资源的方式

            <ResourceDictionary Source="/UiDesign/Theme/SidebarMenuButtonTheme.xaml" />

        <FontFamily x:Key="NunitoBold">/UiDesign/Fonts/Nunito-Bold.ttf#Nunito</FontFamily>

I don't know why this is giving an error, even though intellisense works when I type StaticResource :我不知道为什么这会出错,即使智能感知在我输入StaticResource时有效:


But when I define my FontFamily resource in the ResourceDictionary , the menu items will display just fine.但是当我ResourceDictionary中定义我的FontFamily资源时,菜单项会显示得很好。

//I added this above my Style tag...
<FontFamily x:Key="NunitoBold">/UiDesign/Fonts/Nunito-Bold.ttf#Nunito</FontFamily>

Update: But, when I use the StaticResource (for the font) in a UserControl , I can use it just fine.更新:但是,当我在UserControl中使用StaticResource (用于字体)时,我可以很好地使用它。 My problem here is that, can I use the resource in App.xaml, in a ResourceDictionay?我的问题是,我可以在 ResourceDictionay 中使用 App.xaml 中的资源吗?

Try to reference the font using a pack URI :尝试使用包 URI引用字体:

<FontFamily x:Key="NunitoBold">pack://application:,,,/UiDesign/Fonts/Nunito-Bold.ttf#Nunito</FontFamily>

You also need to ensure that the paths is correct, ie that UiDesign is a folder at the root of your project in which the Fonts folder with the font is located.您还需要确保路径正确,即UiDesign是项目根目录下的文件夹,其中包含字体的Fonts文件夹所在的位置。

I already found a solution for this, instead of using StaticResource I used DynamicResource instead.我已经找到了解决方案,我没有使用StaticResource ,而是使用了DynamicResource Now I can access my fonts from App.xaml to my ResourceDictionary .现在我可以从App.xaml到我的ResourceDictionary

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