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MS Teams - 自定义个人应用程序的深层链接在移动应用程序中返回“不支持链接”

[英]MS Teams - Deep link to custom personal app returns "Link not supported" in mobile app

Deep linking to custom personal app works great in desktop computer, but gets a "Link not supported" message from mobile.深度链接到自定义个人应用程序在台式计算机上效果很好,但会从移动设备收到“不支持链接”消息。

Deep link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/entity/548325e1-4f06-42c3-a81e-03ed634aa4e2/66f115d3-dded-496c-a5e3-7499f3c3202f深层链接: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/entity/548325e1-4f06-42c3-a81e-03ed634aa4e2/66f115d3-dded-496c-a5e3-7499f3c3202f

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There was a fix done for this issue in latest store app.在最新的商店应用程序中已针对此问题进行了修复。 It's working on IOS now.它现在正在 IOS 上工作。 Please check.请检查。

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