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Angular Rxjs - 条件运算符

[英]Angular Rxjs - Conditional operator

I have a function that has three parameters: an id that I need as parameters for invoking the addEvent service, and other two parameters, two arrays that contains a list of people to add or remove to the event that I'm creating.我有一个 function ,它具有三个参数:一个我需要作为用于调用 addEvent 服务的参数的 id 和其他两个参数,两个 arrays 包含要添加或删除到我正在创建的事件的人员列表。 I must check if these arrays are empty or not to invoking some services.我必须检查这些 arrays 是否为空或不调用某些服务。 I write it, but I don't like really much:我写了它,但我不太喜欢:

addEvent(id: number, newPeople: any[], peopleToRemove: any[]) {
  this.eventService.addEvent(id).pipe( mergeMap(res => {
    if(newPeople.length > 0 && peopleToRemove.length > 0) {
     return forkJoin([this.eventService.addPeople(res.id, newPeople), this.eventService.removePeople(res.id, peopleToRemove)])
    else if(newPeople.length > 0 && peopleToRemove.length === 0) {
     return this.eventService.addPeople(res.id, newPeople)
    else if(peopleToRemove.length > 0 && newPeople.length === 0) {
     return this.eventService.removePeople(res.id, peopleToRemove)
  })).subscribe(res => {
    if(newPeople.length) { 
      //doing something 
    if(peopleToRemove.length) {
     //doing something 

Is there an rxjs operator for doing the conditional check in a better way?是否有 rxjs 运算符可以更好地进行条件检查?

iif is the only rxjs conditional that could help, but the main issue here is that it only allows for a true or false check. iif是唯一可以提供帮助的 rxjs 条件条件,但这里的主要问题是它只允许进行真假检查。 In your case there are more scenarios, so you'd need to chain them.在您的情况下,还有更多场景,因此您需要将它们链接起来。

I think simple boolean logic like you have is fine, although you could simplify your code by removing && newPeople.length === 0 and && peopleToRemove.length === 0 from the else if s.我认为像您拥有的简单 boolean 逻辑很好,尽管您可以通过从else if s 中删除&& newPeople.length === 0&& peopleToRemove.length === 0来简化代码。 If the if(newPeople.length > 0 && peopleToRemove.length > 0) check is false (reaching the else if s), it's already guarantees one of the array is empty, so checking for the one with length > 0 is enough.如果if(newPeople.length > 0 && peopleToRemove.length > 0)检查为假(到达else if s),它已经保证数组之一为空,因此检查length > 0的数组就足够了。

if(newPeople.length > 0 && peopleToRemove.length > 0) {
  return forkJoin([this.eventService.addPeople(res.id, newPeople), this.eventService.removePeople(res.id, peopleToRemove)])
//if newPeople isn't empty, then peopleToRemove is guaranteed to be empty
else if(newPeople.length > 0) {
  return this.eventService.addPeople(res.id, newPeople)
//if peopleToRemove isn't empty, then newPeople is guaranteed to be empty
else if(peopleToRemove.length > 0) {
  return this.eventService.removePeople(res.id, peopleToRemove)

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