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使用 dart:mirrors 调用顶级 function

[英]Invoke top level function with dart:mirrors

I'm struggling with how to invoke a top level function in dart.我正在努力解决如何在 dart 中调用顶级 function。 I'd like to be able to annotate a function with @Route , find all the Route annotations, then check that the annotation is on a method, and then call that method by its symbol.我希望能够使用 @Route 注释@Route ,找到所有Route注释,然后检查注释是否在方法上,然后通过其符号调用该方法。

What I have so far is:到目前为止,我所拥有的是:

class Route {
  final String url;
  const Route(this.url);

void handle() {
  print('Request received');

void main() {
  var mirrorSystem = currentMirrorSystem();
  var lm = mirrorSystem.isolate.rootLibrary;
  for (var mirror in lm.declarations.values) {
    var metadata = mirror.metadata;
    for (var im in metadata) {
      if (im.reflectee is Route) {
        print('Route found');
        // how to invoke the function handle associated with the route annotation?

From this point i'm not sure how I would then call the method.从这一点来看,我不确定我将如何调用该方法。 If it was a class then I could use invoke and pass in the Symbol for the method, but that doesn't work as it's not a class.如果它是 class,那么我可以使用invoke并传入方法的Symbol ,但这不起作用,因为它不是 class。

Can anyone give me some clues?谁能给我一些线索? Information about the mirrors library in dart is fairly sparse unfortunately.不幸的是,关于 dart 中镜像库的信息相当稀少。

I worked this out.我解决了这个问题。 For anyone who finds this, you use the LibraryMirror on rootLibrary to invoke the top level function:对于发现此问题的任何人,您可以使用rootLibrary上的LibraryMirror来调用顶级 function:

void main() {
  var mirrorSystem = currentMirrorSystem();
  var lm = mirrorSystem.isolate.rootLibrary;
  for (var mirror in lm.declarations.values) {
    var metadata = mirror.metadata;
    for (var im in metadata) {
      if (im.reflectee is Route && mirror is MethodMirror) {
        lm.invoke(mirror.simpleName, []);
        // prints 'Request received'

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