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如何克服 Docker Desktop 3.3.3 的安装失败“对象引用未设置为对象的实例”?

[英]How do I get past the installation failure "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" for Docker Desktop 3.3.3?

I have been trying to update the version of Docker Desktop on my laptop.我一直在尝试更新笔记本电脑上 Docker Desktop 的版本。 The latest version as of a couple of weeks ago is Docker Desktop 3.3.3.几周前的最新版本是 Docker Desktop 3.3.3。 I downloaded the installer and double clicked on it to begin the installation.我下载了安装程序并双击它开始安装。 I confirmed execution, resulting in a window saying "Downloading package", with a heading of "Extracting installation manifest..." Then a window saying "Do you want to replace your current version of Docker Desktop 3.3.1 (63152) with this new one (64133)?"我确认执行,导致 window 说“正在下载包”,标题为“正在提取安装清单......” 然后 window 说“你想用.C5FD214CDD0D2B3B4272E73B30265 桌面替换你当前版本的 ZC5FD214CDD0D2B3B42723 (这个)。新的(64133)?” appears.出现。 After I click on "Yes", this attached error window pops up.单击“是”后,弹出此附加错误 window。 I tried stopping and uninstalling the previous version (3.3.1), but my PC refuses to do this.我尝试停止并卸载以前的版本(3.3.1),但我的电脑拒绝这样做。 I am at the end of my rope trying to get my PC to do the simplest installation.我已经走到尽头,试图让我的电脑进行最简单的安装。 I have been working with Docker for just over a month and want to do some tutorials and labs so that I can hit the ground running once I have real work to do with it.我使用 Docker 已经一个多月了,我想做一些教程和实验,这样一旦我有真正的工作要做,我就可以开始工作。 I would appreciate any help I can get.我会很感激我能得到的任何帮助。 Docker Desktop 3.3.3 安装失败

Had exactly the same problem as you.遇到了和你完全一样的问题。 You have to delete the key "Docker Desktop" and all its sub-keys, situated at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" in the Windows Key Registry.您必须删除位于 Windows 密钥注册表中的“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall”的密钥“Docker Desktop”及其所有子密钥。

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