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Blazor WASM 无法从数据库中获取图像以查看

[英]Blazor WASM Can't get image from database to view

I'm Learning Blazor + WEB API.我正在学习 Blazor + WEB API。 In the client project, I get all the data from the server into the view, except for the image.在客户端项目中,我从服务器获取所有数据到视图中,除了图像。 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()加载资源失败:服务器响应状态为 404 ()

It's my file upload service:这是我的文件上传服务:

public async Task<string> UploadFile(Stream msFile, string pictureName)
        var path = $"{_env.WebRootPath}\\images\\{pictureName}";

        var buffer = new byte[4 * 1096];

        int bytesRead;

        double totalRead = 0;

        using FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);

        while ((bytesRead = await msFile.ReadAsync(buffer)) != 0)
            totalRead += bytesRead;
            await fs.WriteAsync(buffer);

        var url = $"{_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Scheme}://{_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Host.Value}/";
        var fullPath = $"{url}images/{pictureName}";

        return fullPath;

My razor component我的 razor 组件

@foreach (var prod in item.Products)
    <img class="d-block w-100" style="border-radius:20px;"

GitHub https://github.com/ValencyJacob/PharmacyStore GitHub https://github.com/ValencyJacob/PharmacyStore

The image value you set below is just the name, but I find your stored static file and client are located in different project:您在下面设置的图像值只是名称,但我发现您存储的 static 文件和客户端位于不同的项目中:

var pictureName = $"{pictureId}{ext}";

await _fileUpload.UploadFile(msFile, pictureName);

Model.Image = pictureName;

You need set the value with the full path ( eg: The Image value should be setted like: https://localhost:44375/images/04c91d389a8946d7b741b5a11eb73cfc.jpg ):您需要使用完整路径设置值(例如: Image值应设置为: https://localhost:44375/images/04c91d389a8946d7b741b5a11eb73cfc.jpg ):

var pictureName = $"{pictureId}{ext}";

var fullpath = await _fileUpload.UploadFile(msFile, pictureName);

Model.Image = fullpath;

Then you could display the images(store in PharmacyStore.UI ) in another project( Client.WASM ).然后您可以在另一个项目( Client.WASM )中显示图像(存储在PharmacyStore.UI中)。


The port number( 44375 ) should belong to the project which store the static file( PharmacyStore.UI ).端口号( 44375 )应该属于存储 static 文件( PharmacyStore.UI )的项目。

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