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[英]How do I reverse `String.fromCodePoint`, i.e. convert a string to an array of code points?

String.fromCodePoint(...[127482, 127480]) gives me a flag of the US (). String.fromCodePoint(...[127482, 127480])给了我一面美国国旗 ()。

How do I turn the flag back to [127482, 127480] ?如何将标志转回[127482, 127480]

You're looking for codePointAt , perhaps using spread (etc.) to convert back to array and then mapping each of them.您正在寻找codePointAt ,可能使用 spread (等)转换回数组,然后映射它们中的每一个。

console.log(theString.codePointAt(0)); // 127482
console.log(theString.codePointAt(2)); // 127480
// Note −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−^
// It's 2 because the first code point in the string occupies two code *units*


const array = [...theString].map(s => s.codePointAt(0));
console.log(array); // [127482, 127480]

or skipping an interim step as Sebastian Simon pointed out via Array.from and its mapping callback:或者像 Sebastian Simon 通过Array.from及其映射回调指出的那样跳过一个中间步骤:

const array = Array.from(theString, s => s.codePointAt(0));
console.log(array); // [127482, 127480]


 const theString = String.fromCodePoint(...[127482, 127480]); console.log(theString.codePointAt(0)); // 127482 console.log(theString.codePointAt(2)); // 127480 const array = [...theString].map(s => s.codePointAt(0)); console.log(array); // [127482, 127480] const array2 = Array.from(theString, s => s.codePointAt(0)); console.log(array2); // [127482, 127480]

Spread and Array.from both work by using the strings iterator , which works by code points, not code units like most string methods do. Spread 和Array.from都使用字符串迭代器工作,它通过代码点工作,而不是像大多数字符串方法那样工作的代码单元。

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