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[英]Webpack: Infinite watch loop and auto-generated files

I have a script which generates a file, call it auto.js .我有一个生成文件的脚本,称之为auto.js This file contains some dynamically generated imports and is being used within a VueJS project.该文件包含一些动态生成的导入,并在 VueJS 项目中使用。

// auto.js

import { apple, strawberry, orange } from 'delicious-fruits';
import { carrot, cucumber, celery  } from 'delicious-vegetables';

While using Webpacks dev server , should any project file change, my goal is to have this script re-generate my auto.js file, and then have that included in the re-compiled project.在使用 Webpacks dev server时,如果任何项目文件发生更改,我的目标是让此脚本重新生成我的auto.js文件,然后将其包含在重新编译的项目中。

I have turned this script into a Webpack plugin, whereby I'm listening for the watchRun compiler hook .我已经把这个脚本变成了一个 Webpack 插件,我正在监听watchRun编译器钩子 This seems like the ideal hook, per its description:根据它的描述,这似乎是一个理想的钩子:

Executes a plugin during watch mode after a new compilation is triggered but before the compilation is actually started.在触发新编译后但在实际开始编译之前在监视模式下执行插件。

class AutoGenerate {
  constructor(options) {
    this.options = options;
  apply(compiler) {
    compiler.hooks.watchRun.tap('AutoGenerate', () => {

function generateFile () {
  // generate auto.js and write to disk

I always wind up with an infinite loop situation.我总是以无限循环的情况结束。 I have tried approaching the problem by using various life cycles events (hooks), as well ignoring the auto-generated file.我尝试通过使用各种生命周期事件(挂钩)以及忽略自动生成的文件来解决问题。 Of course, by ignoring it, those changes are not included in the re-compiled project.当然,忽略它,这些更改不会包含在重新编译的项目中。

const webpack = require('webpack');
const AutoGenerate = require("./auto.plugin");

module.exports = {
  configureWebpack: {
    plugins: [
      new webpack.WatchIgnorePlugin([/.*auto\.js/]),
      new AutoGenerate()

I've also tried tapping into the compilation, and adding a new asset to the compilation.我也尝试过利用编译,并在编译中添加新资产。 While the process does not error out, the generated asset is not a part of the final compilation.虽然该过程不会出错,但生成的资产不是最终编译的一部分。

// auto.plugin.js

class AutoGenerate {

  static defaultOptions = {
    outputFile: 'auto.js',

  constructor(options = {}) {
    this.options = { ...AutoGenerate.defaultOptions, ...options };

  apply(compiler) {

    compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap('AutoGenerate', (compilation) => {

      const path = require("path")
      const filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, `src/plugins/${this.options.outputFile}`)
      const { RawSource } = require('webpack-sources')
      const fileContent = new RawSource(generateFile())




function generateFile() {
  // generate file content & return as string

module.exports = { AutoGenerate };
// vue.config.js

const AutoGenerate = require("./auto.plugin");

module.exports = {
  configureWebpack: {
    plugins: [
      new AutoGenerate()

How can I trigger my logic for auto-generating this file, while having this file be included as part of any re-compilation, while at the same time avoiding an infinite loop?如何触发自动生成此文件的逻辑,同时将此文件作为任何重新编译的一部分包含在内,同时避免无限循环?

I have not been able to identify a direct solution to the problem posed above.我无法确定上述问题的直接解决方案。 However, for anyone reading, I've come to discover that this can be accomplished by utilizing a package called before-build-webpack , notably by including the watch-run trigger.但是,对于任何阅读的人,我发现这可以通过使用名为before-build-webpack的 package 来实现,特别是通过包含watch-run触发器。

// vue.config.js

const WebpackBeforeBuildPlugin = require('before-build-webpack')

module.exports = {
  configureWebpack: {
    plugins: [
      new WebpackBeforeBuildPlugin(function(stats, callback) {
        // ...
      }, ['run', 'watch-run'])

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