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PySide2 中的“QtBluetooth”支持(python 项目的 QT)

[英]"QtBluetooth" support in PySide2 (QT for python project)

"QtBluetooth" module is supported in PyQT5, but it seems not supported in PySide2 (aka QT for python); PyQT5 支持“QtBluetooth”模块,但 PySide2 似乎不支持它(对于 python,又名 QT);

  • Is this conclusion I have reached correct?我得出的这个结论正确吗?
  • Is there any difference between PySide2 and PySide6 in this regard? PySide2 和 PySide6 在这方面有什么区别吗?

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