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在 Vue 中保留 v-model 绑定的同时使用显示值

[英]Use a display value while preserving v-model binding in Vue

Sorry if this one is simple, but I just can't figure it out.对不起,如果这个很简单,但我就是想不通。 I'm using Quasar Framework, but I think this is more of a Vue issue.我正在使用 Quasar Framework,但我认为这更像是一个 Vue 问题。

I have a multiple-select UI component, and a list of objects that I would like to display as the options.我有一个多选 UI 组件,以及一个我想作为选项显示的对象列表。 v-model will bind to the currently selected option. v-model将绑定到当前选择的选项。

Let's say I want to select an author from a list of authors.假设我想 select 来自作者列表的作者。 The component call looks like this:组件调用如下所示:

  label="Select an Author..."

The issue is that authors contains objects, not strings, for example问题是authors包含对象,而不是字符串,例如

this.authors = [
  { first_name: 'Roald', last_name: 'Dahl', id: 1}, 
  { first_name: 'J.R.', last_name: 'Rowling', id: 2}, 

Using v-model with the raw object just displays entries in the dropdown with the valuev-model与原始 object 一起使用只会在下拉列表中显示带有值的条目

[object Object]

on each.在各个。

I don't want to map the authors array of objects to an array of strings, because when selected, I need the id attribute from each.我不想将作者对象数组 map 转换为字符串数组,因为选择时,我需要每个对象的id属性。

How can I set a display value for the dropdown (something like ${author.first_name} ${author.last_name} ) while still binding to the object with v-model ?如何在仍然使用v-model绑定到 object 的同时为下拉菜单设置显示值(类似于${author.first_name} ${author.last_name} )?

Use option-value and option-label to map options value and label to object keys.option-valueoption-label用于 map 选项值,将 label 用于 object 键。

  label="Select an Author..."
  :option-label="(item) => item === null ? 'Null value' : `${item.first_name} ${item.last_name}`"

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